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That's how you lived your life for the past five months, not including the previous month that consisted of this half-a-year-and-counting epidemic. Everything you did was wrapped in the comforting sound of nothing. Getting ready in the morning without saying anything, eating whatever was available in near silence, doing a quiet routine sweep through your current safe house, finding a new zombie with no noise, letting out mute screams of pain whenever you became injured, dull thudding as you killed the zombie, and a quiet nighttime wind down.

Everything was silent.

Even when you walked the empty streets and passed the overturned cars, all was hushed.

So as you ducked into the back of the hotel, you were soundless, the only noise coming from your runner-clad feet on the dirtied tile. You scanned the lobby, nodding to yourself upon seeing it was clear. Pushing open the door to the staircase, you pulled your backpack around you tighter and gripped your lethal bat, preparing for whatever was next to come.

It was dark, with only the red emergency lights as a guide up the steps. You traversed silently. Destination being the highest floor, thirteen; room seventy-three.

By the time you reached the 8th floor, a loud and strangled clamor resonated above, freezing you on the spot. After waiting a few moments with nothing else heard, you continued on guard, crouched low to the ground.

Deep breathing helped as your palms grew clammy, you had to remind yourself what to do, seeing as a fight was bound to break out between you and the flesh-craving monster waiting for you.

Floor ten; you paused, training your ears for any irregularities in the stale air around you.


Could it have been on floor eleven? You were sure that it was here, almost positive; the smell of rotting flesh was pungent here. Nonetheless, you continued upwards, going at a snail's pace. If that zombie were here, you were going to see it through that it was killed good.

As you rounded the corner to head up to the eleventh floor, a hand clasped around your left ankle, jagged fingernails digging into your exposed skin. Reg flags waved vigorously in your head as you sucked in a yelp of surprise. With your right foot, you heeled the zombie right in its head, prepping your bat as it screamed vehemently, sharp canines catching the red lighting. Swinging down hard, you watched as your barbed-wire-wrapped bat sunk into the demon's head before you ripped it out, bits of brain matter decorating the ground and walls as you struck it again, and again, and again, until all movement ceased in its body, then once more for good measure. Blood trickled from your ankle, staining your (s/c) skin—all raising panic in you.

Grabbing onto the lifeless carcass, you dragged it into a room labeled with a black 'C' on the door. Locking the door, you closed it behind you and took out a red spray can, and marked the door with a fresh 'Z' before continuing on up to your room.

Once up on your floor, you pulled the door open and let it fall closed behind you before turning to enter your room. Darting into it, you closed the door behind before locking it up tight. Glancing over to the electric clock hung up on the wall, you smiled to yourself.

You were home. And just before five-thirty.

Dropping your bag onto a small couch, you went to your small bathroom to rinse off your hands, arms, face, ankle, and any other part of yourself that had been damaged in your daylong raid. Grabbing a small roll of gauze, you laid patches on your newly sliced ankle before wrapping it up. Tying a piece of cloth around it to keep the bandages secure, you left the bathroom to unload your loot.

Some old junk food went into the pantry, medical went into your bathroom and pack, batteries into your storage cabinet, canned goods in your pantry as well, razors to the shower, cat food in a cabinet, and medicine into your bathroom.

You smiled dully, satisfied with your haul. You would be set for another two weeks before you would have to head out to the shopping area again.

It was still daylight, seeing as sunlight peeked through the sun-blocking pleated drapes that hung in front of every window. You would've loved to keep them open, but once, there was a zombie in a neighboring building across from the hotel out on a balcony. As soon as he caught sight of you, he launched himself off of the balcony and fell to the ground, dying upon impact.

Letting out a sigh, you hung thick curtains over top of the drapes that covered up any way of seeing into your room, seeing as once you had forgotten to, and a hoard of zombies was waiting outside of the building for you. Once all was covered, you flicked on the lights, allowing you to see.

A sudden softness tickled at your ankles, sending your eyes downcast. It was your favorite feline, Leo. He was a brute little boy who was originally your little brother's cat before everything went down, but that was a story for another day.

Crouching down, you rubbed your calloused hands all over his fluffy little body, making sure to pay extra attention to the backs of his ears, knowing they were his favorite spot to be scratched at.

Rising, you walked over to the cabinet and filled a small cup with his food before pouring it into a small plastic container on the kitchenette counter. Taking the other bowl, you filled it up from the water in the tap, knowing for sure that it was safe.

He leapt up to his meal and dug in, the soft crunching on the food ending up as the only sound heard. You felt far too tired to eat and took to cleaning up your apartment in the comforting silence. By the time eight o'clock had rolled around, you stood on edge.

A commotion was coming somewhere lower than where you were.

But it was inside your building.

Dangerous Encounters [Dangerous Fellows x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now