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"We got everything you guys wanna keep?"

Several nods served as an affirmation.

"Got something to defend yourself?"

Fewer nods.

"Where's the cat at again?"

You looked up to Hailey.

"He's snug in my bag."

"Can he breathe?"


Hailey gave a nod of approval.

"Alright. Let's go."

With your hotel room now barren of anything resourceful, everyone filed out of the room, chatting amongst themselves.

"Okay, if you guys want to get out of here with slim to no trouble, don't utter anything. Noise will be our greatest weakness." You said. "I'll take lead-"

"I feel as though we'll benefit with the strongest in the front." Lawrence interrupted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You countered, quickly growing irksome.

"I just believe that Ethan should take the front... You can take the end in case zombies find their way up." Glasses explained, a calm smile was drawn on his virtually perfect face.

"Then—using your logic—Ethan should be in the back-"

"God, just take the end. You just want to lead so you can trap us all in here for the zombies." Scarlett complained, whining as usual.

"Fine, I'll take last; Zion, I want you in the middle; and Ethan, you take the lead. Follow me out and head in that order upstairs. Keep your eyes peeled. I believe in you all."

You cautiously pressed the door open, waiting a few seconds for any commotion to arise. When you were met with nothing, you slipped out of the hallway and into the stairwell. The rest fell into line and began the short journey up to the roof.

Everything seemed to be going well. Too well.

Crack! The sound of Ethan's bat bashing the skull of a zombie echoed down the narrow escalier.

Shit. This wasn't good at all.

You felt a dull vibration at your feet that slowly grew more powerful with each passing second. Snapping your head upwards, your confused eyes met Harry's panicked ones. The trip to the roof was only two flights in itself, but you were stuck after just half of that. Quirking a brow, you attempted to read his lips in the lowlight.

Zombies on the roof.

The color drained from your face as you tapped the person closest to you—Jay—and shook your bat lightly, implying for him to get ready for a fight. He nodded back, seeming unsure of himself. Patting his back softly, you smiled at him in determination.

"I'm going to head down to block off this flight, you take caboose until I regroup." You whispered, repeating whatever information needed until your message was correctly processed.

Silently, you sauntered down the metallic ladder-like staircase and got into a defensive stance, game face drawn. Tumultuous screeches of frenzied zombies roared from beneath, prompting you to clench onto your lifeline tighter, knuckles turning white.

Soon enough you heard the roof access unlock along with a chorus of zombie screams from the roof. How the hell did they get up there? As far as you remember, your building was the second tallest and there were no hoards on the roofs next to the hotel. What the fuck happened?

Dangerous Encounters [Dangerous Fellows x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now