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With everyone shuffled into your small hotel room, you silently pondered an escape route whilst Lawrence (who you assumed was their leader) droned on about how you would all escape.

"I know it's going to be hard guys, but the only way out is how we came in." The ashen brunette directed.

"But that's practically suicide." Said Emcee. She let Judy snuggle tighter into her side. The duo had clung to each other since you'd met the whole group, and they continued to do so on your loveseat as you paced around your kitchen.

"You're the one who wanted to leave the school in the first place. Besides, we have Ethan and Zion. They're a brute enough force to take on the zombies." Said Lawrence.

"No." You broke into the conversation, catching everyone's attention. "Sure you have two strong guys and the rest of you are average to lower in combat, but that alone isn't enough to fight off a whole hoard of zombies. The fighting itself will draw in more of the undead with all the extra ruckus."

"We have rooftop access. What we can do once we're on the roof is basically just building jump until we're far enough from the current hoard and anything else that might be lurking below." You explained, walking into the cramped living area where everyone was located. "With that, we run into a few problems. What's in the stairwell? What's on the rooftop? Is the distance between buildings too far? Will there be a safe place to go back on the ground? What if there are more zombies?... At this point, anything could happen."

"Then my plan makes more sense-"

"Lawrence," You cut him off. "You're wrong. Your plan is a death sentence."

"I- I don't feel safe following the new girl's plan." The meek one—Hailey—stuttered, fidgeting with the cuffs of her coat.

"Yeah. Who knows, this bitch's trying to kill us all." Spat Scarlett as she glared daggers from across the room.

"Go with your leader's plan. I'm not the one calling the shots for you guys." You said, sauntering back into the kitchen as silence ensued the room.

"Guys, I think (F/n) has a pretty solid plan. She's right, even though we are strong, we're not gonna compete with thirty zombies." Reasoned Harry, standing from his place.

"It sounds better than fighting a shit ton of zombies," Eugene muttered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Scarlett's right. New girl's just gonna get us all killed." Said Jay, easily siding with who you presumed to be his idol—Zombie Apocalypse Barbie.

"But I don't want to fight in a fight we'll just lose." Said Judy. Her face held pure worry as she voiced her opinion.

"We can't trust her!" Shouted Scarlett. "Why are you all so blind?! New girl cursed us out and threatened to kill us just minutes ago!"

"Shut the fuck up." You hissed, eyes snapping to meet with red ones. "Noise draws those fuckers over here, gets them all excited to rip you to pieces. So learn to calm the fuck down and use your indoor voice."

Sure, you could've been less harsh on the girl, but at this point, you were done with her nasally voice and squeaky complaints.


"Scarlett." Warned the redhead, Zion.

"Hey guys, calm down."

"I'll take over, Harry," Lawrence said, stealing the violet-eyed man's calming thunder. "I'm pretty sure my plan has a lower mortality rate than (F/n)."

"How about we take a vote?" Suggested Sue, pushing herself from off the wall. "We choose between the plans Lawrence and (F/n) proposed, majority wins."

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