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*Remember to follow me for important updates if you haven't already!! Thank you for sticking along—also... thoughts on spicing up interactions??*

You claimed an office in the center of the cluster to be your personal bedroom with Leo. You knew Lawrence was still in the building, had stalked you all the way here, didn't bother to help when you were almost killed, and gave you the silent treatment through it all. Were you pissed? Possibly—but this was normal for Lawrence.

Right now it was best to just ignore him and wait for his leave. To busy your mind, you unloaded clothing into a filing cabinet and placed everything else on the bookshelf for safekeeping until further notice. After pushing a long sofa into your room, you decided that you would sleep on it until you could go out and get a futon or two for comfort.

You walked around the four-story building, tending to the chickens and watering the plants as needed before flicking all of the lights off for a peaceful night. Walking into your bedroom, you locked the door and laid on the couch, covering yourself with a scarf somebody left behind and two of your jackets.

Just cozy.

Just as the sun sunk below the horizon, you were distracted from sleep by a commotion. Getting out of your comfy couch, you slipped on your runners and grabbed your bat before peering out a window to the front gate.

"Son-of-a-bitch!" You hissed under your breath. What was outside your base was far worse than any hoard of zombies and sent you spiraling down the staircase. Anger quickly overtook fear as you sauntered out of your paradise. "The fuck are you doing here?"

This must've been the worst case of déjà vu you'd ever had ever. Standing right in front of you was none other than the assholes you ditched hours ago, back on your doorstep.

"We saw you go off on your own." Judy began explaining.

"So we watched you go the opposite of us and we went to the outlets you told us about." Sue continued, methodical with her wording.

Lawrence stood in front of all of them, domineering and nonchalant.

"Should've known you fuckers would follow him." You spat out, eyes glaring straight at glasses. "What're you here for?"

"You mentioned an urban farm back when you gave us chicken," Zion explained. "That and Lawrence offered to follow you so that we wouldn't lose where you went."

"No shit—saw the asshat sitting in my lobby after a man tried to kill me... thanks for the help by the way. Maybe next time you can sleep through it instead—be the same amount of help." You rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration. "What the actual fuck are you all on?" You spat, losing your trust in them faster than zombies picking up the scent of blood.

"Ugh, just let us in already," Scarlett complained, brushing a fist against the metal fence.

"I'd have half a brain if I let you in." You jabbed a finger in the blondie's direction, glaring holes into her dumb, stupid head. "This is my new home and I'm not gonna let any of you mess that up... again." You spun on your heel, walking back into your safe house.

A chorus of pleas lit the air on fire, lifting the hairs on the back of your neck. You knew that if they kept going like this you'd end up with a repeat of your last base. So, you shuffled back over to the maniacs.

"Keep your voices down." You growled, glaring at the whole lot of them. They were desperate, helpless. Little puppies in need of a home. But these puppies were corrosive, manipulative sluts that paid no mind to your rules. Rules.
"Fine. But if you want to live, here, at my base, then you have to follow all of the rules... no exceptions."

Dangerous Encounters [Dangerous Fellows x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now