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Your mom had always taught you to never talk in absolutes. This was simply because nothing was always something. Things, people, places, definitions even—they all change (mind Latin). It seemed so far that this rule had always worked for nouns. Until one girl came around just to ruin it all. You knew one thing that would never change ever.

Scarlett was always a bitch.

Here you were, trying not to break down in front of a group of survivors you felt exonerated from, and here she was... ruining bonding by being a bitch.

"Hah, looks like your tough guy act is finally wearing off, new girl. Guess it's time to show your true colors." The blondie chortled, keeping with Lawrence and Jay, seeing as Zion was distancing himself from her overbearing presence.

"Scarlett, I really don't think this is the ti-" Emcee was swiftly cut off.

"Shut up, let her fight her own battles—see how hardcore she really is." She continued, merciless.

"Really, you need to-" The smartest began.

"Didn't ask, Sue..." Scarlett faced a palm toward the other female. "So why are you crying like a pathetic little baby, huh? Why don't you just go back to being a badass bitch, huh?"

"Scarlett, you're reaching at th-"

"Oh come on, Zion. It's what she deserves for being so fucking two-faced all the time."

You finally broke your own silence. "You know what guys? Scarlett's right." You played to her script, sitting down on a knee. "I do seem to be keeping a lot of secrets from you, so it makes sense you guys have a right to my personal experiences—seeing as you've all only known me for a couple of hours. So in honor of Scarlett's supreme authority, I'll tell you what happened." You were already getting heated, dripping in sarcasm, watching as the group pulled in tighter, sealing you in for their entertainment. "After Scarlett so kindly shoved me down for... is it the second time now? I was stranded for trying to save her from falling to her death. With no way else out, I had to go inside. I already knew I was dealing with at least two zombies; they were already pulling at the curtains. So after I pulled open the doorwall, I had to fight two right then and there...killed them—pretty sure that's more than you've taken care of this whole apocalypse." You spat at the blonde, flashing red eyes in her direction.

"But after killing them, I finally noticed this wretched smell in the bedroom. Turns out on the other side of the bed was a rotting corpse—female. She was dead for a couple of days, some of the blood was still damp, soaked into the carpet." This part of your trip didn't really phase you. The woman was already dead. Nothing you could've done about it. "The stench was unbearable so I dipped into a kitchen-living room combo. Then I heard this... hiss from in front of the couch. I sneezed and another zomb launched herself over the fucking couch to get me. Fought her for a bit until she stabbed me with her claws, resulting in this-" You broke your speech to gesture to your dressed stab wound. A few of the girls grimaced but for the most part, you could feel the sympathy radiating off of these people.

"So in order to clean it up, I went to the bathroom and sanitized it and then bandaged it up along with my back after being left on the roof by myself. I was about to leave when I decided to check behind the shower curtain—sheesh... I wish I didn't." You paused to prepare yourself. "There, sitting in the basin, was a little girl—no older than five or six—dead. In her own bloody bathwater. God, she was so young..." The group remained silent, waiting for your continuation. You knew they were grimacing from the gory details—but this is what Scarlett wanted, right?

"After seeing her, I locked the bathroom door for her to remain untouched by a zombie and left that fucking apartment. When I was in the hallway, the only light that was coming in was from a window opposite where I needed to go. So I walked in the dark, feeling along the walls with my bat, and listened really hard in the pitch black. Then I heard a... groan of some sort. It was guttural and full of discomfort." You cherrypicked your words, drawing the members into your story—your continuous trauma.

"A...wet hand grabbed at my ankle, super weakly. At first, I thought he was a zombie and got ready to kill him, God." You took a breath, feeling the tears come back and burn at the backs of your eyes. "Then he spoke... asking me to-to, to kill him. I ran my hand up to his chest and he felt pretty intact. Told me there was a flashlight in his backpack. So I shuffled through this bag-" You tossed the pack onto the ground in front of you. "-and grabbed the light. I turned it on and pointed it at him... This poor boy—all alone. He looked fine, some blood in his hair... but his gut. His gut. God, it was a gaping hole. I could see all the way down to his bone, the organs that were left, muscle, tissue. Everything. Shit, I-I... I'm sorry." Your throat slipped silently into a knot, making it hard to breathe—hard to swallow.

Judy came and sat by your side, wrapping a comforting arm around your thinning waist. You nodded to her. "Lukas and I talked for a bit. Asked me if he'd see God... fuck. He was just like my little brother—same age, fighting spirit. Of course, I told him yes. I'm so proud of him. He fought off a zombie—big one—all by himself." You rubbed at your temples, looking up to the sky. "Anyway, as I got up to leave, the poor boy begged for me to... to... fuck!" You took a deep breath, rubbing a shaky hand in between your brows and across your temple in an attempt to ground yourself.

"Told me to kill him—put him out of his misery... So I did." You stopped, glancing up to the group. (E/c) pools met with shock and concern. "Then I ran up the stairwell and... here we are."


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