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The thin chickens and roosters pecked at the floor of their pen impatiently. They looked at you with their beady eyes in judgment—clucking here and there. One brave soul even went as far as to peck your shoe. And all for what?

You were their god now, chicken feed in your hand (actually in a plastic scooper)—but nonetheless, they acted as if they owned the world and demanded your servitude.

Letting out a sigh, you sprinkled the feed evenly into the trough and watched as the feathered creatures went into a frenzy at their bland food.

You had already cleaned their pen this morning as the others spent time sleeping. Maybe yesterday's venture was far too much for their bodies to handle.

Hah, you were still healing. And yet, the first one up and working. You knew it wasn't because of your spontaneous determination, but rather the never-leaving paranoia that seeped into your bones months ago. This morning you were woken up by a zombie clawing at the fence, and as any reasonable person would, went out and killed it before it's minor disruption could draw any more of its kind.

It's kind? Weren't these fuckers exactly as you are. Trying to survive? Just caught in the wrong place at the wrong time? It was a troubling philosophical turmoil to mull over. After all, it's better to have a large aesthetic distance between yourself and the monsters that prowled the streets, kept you from sympathizing.

Maybe that's why your sister left...

The sound of the stairwell doors unlatching open drew you from your internal conflict. A short girl with iconic red glasses emerged from the metal doors and walked to you, admiring the plants that managed to grow healthily despite the literal apocalypse going on outside.

"Ah, just the person I was thinking of." You gave a closed-mouth smile, tilting your head. "Can we use chicken shit as fertilizer?"

Sue was taken aback at the outlandish question until she took notice of the chickens pecking at the trough behind you in their pen. "Why would you ask that?"

"Well, I know all shit can be used as fertilizer—nitrogen, ya know? But it's built different. Normal shit is brown, right? Chicken shit is brown and white. Nobody ever taught me what the white part is. I think it's all the same and will fertilize the plants, but what if it doesn't? Hell—AP Biology taught me jack shit about shit-"

"Yes, all feces can be used as fertilizer." Sue finally answered, cutting off your rambling.

"Ah, thank you." You replied. "Guess it's a good thing I put it all in that bag over there." You nodded your head towards the trash bag resting against the wall. "Probably should have one of the boys do that." You joked (not really).

"Anyways, Scarlett's in the break room complaining about not having beds, Harry and Eugene are organizing the food everyone's brought and making a log of it all—Ethan and Zion are doing the same with medical supplies."

"Oh, that's nice. I thought I was the only one working today. We should probably find a bulletin board and assign jobs or something." You exited the coop, planning a fair way to split duties so that nobody would be upset. Except for Scarlett. She would always be upset.

You waved goodbye to the birds and followed Sue down to the break room to see all the fuss. However, as soon as you entered the hallway you could hear Scarlett's complaints echoing throughout the floor.

Dangerous Encounters [Dangerous Fellows x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang