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What the actual fuck.

Everything was going as well as it could be (seeing as it was currently the middle of the zombie apocalypse), and then this shit happens.

You knew you were safe in your room, seeing as no zombies could reach your floor, the door had to be pulled to open.

So do tell why there was vigorous pounding at the entrance to your room at this moment.

"Hey! We know you're in there." A high-pitched female voice rung from outside your door. "You better come here right now before we break this door down!"

You sat on the cramped loveseat, unmoved.

"Get your ass over here and open this door!" She demanded again.

You blinked, heart rate picking up. Standing from your spot, you pulled the curtains and drapes away.

No fucking way.

Some random fuckers decided to stumble upon your current base—your safe haven—and bring a whole hoard of zombies with them.

You shot over to the door, picking up your still bloodied bat, and unlocked all the locks except for the chain lock. Cracking the door open, you glared at the crowd outside of your room.

"Finally you listened to m-"

"Shut the fuck up." You croaked out, voice raspy from not speaking in weeks. "If any of you are bitten I will not hesitate to kill you right now. If you are, leave this building. If you don't, I can assure you that I will find you and this," you thudded your wired bat onto the ground for all to see "will be the last thing you see."

"Are you kidding me?!" The nasally voice—belonging to a blondie with red eyes—complained.

You slammed the door shut before unlocking it entirely. Swinging it open, you quickly clamped a hand over the female's mouth and eyed the others suspiciously. There were six males and five females including the blonde, with a crimson-haired man looking about ready to jump you.

"When I say shut the fuck up, you shut the fuck up." You seethed before shoving her back into the group she came with. "What do you need?"

"Emcee said she saw a curtain closing up here so we went to investigate. Once we reached the top floor we saw some light coming from this room." You looked up to see a silver-haired man with violet eyes explaining their current situation.

"I don't want a fucking novel. Why are you here?"

"Allow me," an ashen brunette with a pair of circle glasses intervened, standing directly in front of you. "Hello, I'm Lawrence,"

"What. Do. You. Want."

"Alright Ms. Authoritative, we were followed by a hoard of zombies after losing our base to those fucking monsters." The redhead from before snapped out, cutting Lawrence out of the picture.

"Good luck finding a new one." You turned away to hide back in your room.

"Can't. We barricaded all of the first floor entrances. The zombies can't get in, and we can't get out." The violet-eyed male explained almost sheepishly.

You sucked in a harsh breath, missing the silence. "Great. Now we're all trapped like mice. Thank you all for signing our death wavers."

"What do you mean? We locked them out, shouldn't you be thanking us?" The blondie huffed out in annoyance.

"We're not safe from zombies even if they're locked out," You began, rubbing your brows in frustration. "Ever heard of the saying "power in numbers"?" You questioned, seeing everyone nod. "Get enough of them out there, they'll break in and work their way up."

"But we blocked everything off." Blondie pushed on, insisting that she was correct and you were dead wrong.

"That's not how things work around here, Barbie."

"Hey, she's Scarlett." The redhead pointed out, defending the smaller female.

"And she sounds like a chihuahua." You countered.

"Ever since we've come here, you've been nothing but rude!" She yelled, sending your pulse up higher. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't feed you to the zombies! You're just some stuck-up little bitch who thinks she owns the world because she hasn't died yet. Well, news flash, there's "power in numbers" and we can send you right out to get eaten by all those fucking zombies by yourself!"

"Scarlett!" The hushed scolding of Emcee came as a few people who you knew not of apologized for her.

The rattling of metal came from the staircase door, drawing a silence among all. You pointed a threatening finger at Scarlett before hushing everyone, distancing them from the door, placing yourself in the middle of the two.

"Stay back and don't make a sound." You demanded, readying your bat.

The searching eye of a zombie peered through the glass, an eager screech pouring out of its mouth. 

Walking up to the door, you shoved it open and staggered back quickly, watching as it pulled itself from the door and into your hall, the door closing automatically behind it. You cracked your bat down on the monster's skull, hissing as it clawed at your chest, nails slicing open the covered skin at your ribs.

You tore the bat from its skull and watched as it tumbled to the ground, still moving. To this, you swung again, shattering its cranium as you stomped on the zombie's chest, over its rotten heart. Once you were sure it was dead, you turned back to the group.

"Where were we?"

"Holy shit." A skinny male with burnt brown hair and small brown eyes muttered out.

"Ah, you're bleeding." The violet-eyed man announced, drawing closer to you in concern.

You glanced down and brushed two fingers against the damp material of your shirt, pulling back to see them stained a deep crimson.

"Oops." You chuckled out to yourself. "I'm (F/n), by the way. All I know of you are Lawrence, Emcee, and Scarlett."

"Well, I'm Harry." Said the cute man who pointed out your bleeding wound.

"Zion." The Scarlett-defender.

"Eugene." An annoyed male spoke, pulling his face mask up higher.

"Judy." A bubbly female with light copper hair.

"Sue." A short female with red-rimmed glasses.

"Jay." The male who ogled at your fight.

"H-Hailey." A tall and sheepish female.

You waited, staring at a man holding a bat lazily on his shoulder, seeming to be falling asleep whilst standing. "And you are?" You asked, watching as he jolted back to life.

"I'm Ethan." He sighed out, looking careless.

"Alright." You began. "We can't stay here." You shuffled back to your room, opening the door wide before stepping inside. You watched as nobody moved from their positions outside. "What're you all waiting for, get in here."

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