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You would've thought your words meant absolutely nothing to Lawrence; after all, he stood unfaltering, hazel eyes unblinking. This man was stone hard. Nothing could phase this impassive asshole. If only he could freeze time to stand still on that picturesque image of faux oblivion.

Lawrence sucked in a harsh breath, unknowingly waving a big red flag right above his head.

"And what would that be?" He stared at you, face deadpan.

"Don't play stupid with me." You spat, anger flaring as you stepped right up to the male, heeding no mind to any sort of personal space.

"I wouldn't. I have no idea of what you're talking about."

"Piss off with that shit. Don't think I didn't notice, Lawrence. Waiting for me to leave to help Harry last night, leaving the door unlocked, watching me head back to sleep. It's child's play." You paused, noting how his eyes seemed to shake in irritation, you were hitting the nail right on the head. "How'd you do it? Quick head out, open the roof access, fling the stairwell doors wide for zombies to come wandering in, lure a few onto the roof, then come back as if it never happened?... I'm impressed that someone with such a stupid escape plan could plot out a way for zombies to easily murder me for you."

You grabbed the collar of Lawrence's white undershirt and pulled him close to your face, breathing down on him.

"But if you want me dead, the blood's gonna be on your hands."

You swift pushed him away from yourself with ease, putting distance between yourself and the man.

"Let's head back before the rest of the crew start worrying, Lawrence."

And with that, you left a stunned Lawrence in your wake. He couldn't figure out his emotions to put them in line. Should he be enraged you figured it out so easily, disgusted with your lack of personal space, or envious of how you were able to catch onto what he was trying to pull? He was conflicted and needed to know more. Yet all he could do was watch your retreating form as you made your way back to the group.

His group.

Lawrence was going to have to try harder, and try harder he will.

You thanked Hailey for watching over Leo in your bag before slinging him on your front and buckling the bag at your back, making sure everything was snug against your thin body.

"Alrighty. This... is roofing 101, ladies and gentlemen. I recommend you pay attention so you do not promptly kill yourselves on the first jump... We have a lot of ground to cover to reach a safe destination at a great enough distance away from this shit-"

"Question." Spat put Scarlett.

"Raise your hand... Anyways, in or-"

"Can Zion carry me?"

Silence hung thickly in the open air all around you.

"If you would like a one-way ticket to deathville, then be my guest."


"Because roofing is a solo-man sport. You can't piggyback off of someone else the whole time, that'll lead to serious injury and/or death. Also, it's hard to jump with something heavy and has more devastating consequences due to the kinetic energy."

"Did you just call me fat?!" Scarlett sneered, face contorting into one of pure anger.

"Not directly, no."

"Well, you aren't so skinny ei-"

"Anyways, back onto the important parts of how not to die-"

"Why are you taking your stupid cat then? It'll just drag you down." Scarlett continued to argue, never seeming to want to back down.

"Because, unlike you, Leo is labeled under precious cargo. That, and I care for him more."

"Are you fucki-"

"Scarlett, if you don't shut the fuck up right now I'll shove you down onto the other rooftop and make you get back up here without the help of crates or your friends."

She bit her tongue.

"Okay, so roofing is very fun... once you know how to not die. Here, I will give you a brief rundown on how to not die."

"First, you want to assess the situation. This means you have to gauge how far the building is from where you are standing. The maximum distance most people can jump, even with a running start, is about 10 feet. If the roof you're jumping onto is lower than the one you're leaping from, you might be able to go a couple of feet more because of the added momentum."

"Next, sprint. You need to get a running start; without one, you're not gonna go very far. To clear a ten-foot gap, you'll need at least forty to sixty feet of runway. Sprint like hell towards the edge of the building."

"Leap. You're going to want to jump up and out, so swing your arms back and then jump at a 45-degree angle, letting your arms come forward as you leap. Put your whole body into it. Focus on where you want to land."

"Now you have to land. At the midpoint of your jump, bring your knees up in front of you so that your thighs form a ninety-degree angle with your body. Keep looking at your landing spot. As you near your landing, aggressively straighten out your legs and point your toes; the balls of your feet will hit first and absorb the tension of the landing, keeping you stable. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. As you land, your knees will instinctively bend, but try to keep them from going down farther than a ninety-degree angle with the ground. Let your torso sink towards your legs, and place your hands on the ground."

"Lastly, roll. You want to roll on your shoulder, diagonally across your back, so you're rolling from one shoulder to the opposite hip. Tuck your head under your armpit as you go into the roll. Concentrate on rounding your body and making yourself into a ball. Keep yourself tucked as your weight carries you through the roll and keep your knees bent and your weight low as you rise to your feet. Now scan the rooftop for zombies or use the momentum from your roll to continue your sprint."

"And finally, if you didn't make it over the ledge, bring your knees into your chest and press your toes into the side of the building. Push your legs up by your toes and pull your body up by your hands at the same time. Really push with those legs—they'll have much more strength and power than your arms. When your shoulders clear the top of the ledge, move your hands so that your palms are flat against the surface of the ledge, straighten out your arms, and push your body up. Lean forward so that your center of gravity is on the safe side, so you won't fall to your death if you lose your balance. Once half of your body is above the wall, bring your legs over the side."

You paused, scanning over the group.

"Any questions?"

Dangerous Encounters [Dangerous Fellows x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now