Cliff Diving

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"Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you," Embry said as he opened my door to my bedroom. Out of all the boys, I think Embry is having the hardest time adjusting. He never really liked Sam and the rest of us. According to Quil, he would call us "hall monitors on steroids." Although it did make me laugh. He also was forced to not talk to any of his friends anymore, which I know is the hardest part.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, come in," I said as I closed the book I was reading. "What's up?"

He smiled before walking in and closing the door. He walked over to my bed to sit next to me, placing his head in his hands. "How do you feel with all of this?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you, I don't know, adjust to this wolf thing?" He asked while turning his head to look at me. I could tell my the expression on his face that this was bothering him.

"Well, it was nice having Sam cause he already went through this and was able to explain it to me. I also had him and Emily take me in since I couldn't harm my sister. The pack is like a family, we're all brothers and sisters. We have each other's back to matter what. And it sucks that you have to walk away from all your friends without a trace and have rumors be spread about you, believe me, i know. But when you know you can count on each other, the transition isn't that bad." I concluded.

"Thanks, I needed that," Embry said while giving me a genuine smile. "I just kinda miss Jake and Quil."

"Well, Jake will be joining us anyday now. And Quil you can see anyways."

"Right, imprint," he said while laughing.

"Yep," I agreed with a smile on my face.

"Well, I'll see you in a few," he declared while walking towards the door. "Thanks again."

"No problem, that's what sisters are for."


"Are you sure about this?" Jared asked skeptically while looking over the the edge of the cliff. I will admit that my first time jumping from this high was scary, but it was such a rush. Sam figured that since we haven't really gotten any scents lately we could all go blow off some steam going cliff diving. And also it was the first time for Jared, Paul, and Embry.

"You scared?" I asked with a small smirk on my face, noticing Paul and Embry sneaking up behind him.

"I'm not scared-" Jared was cut off by Embry and Paul pushing him to the edge of the cliff. He put up a good fight before the boys eventually sent him over the cliff, earning a shout of excitement as he fell down before hitting the water. Paul let out a laugh before walking farther from the edge of the cliff. He turned around with that signature smirk on his face before getting a running start before he jumped. As he descended towards the water, he did a cool twist before he straightened out and diving right into the ocean. This caused me to scoff at him before rolling my eyes with a chuckle. I turned to Embry giving a daring look.

"You going?"

"Ladies first."

"Oh, don't use that excuse. I spend my time with a pack of wolfs," I challenged as I looked at him. He chuckled at me, before nervous laughter erupted from his chest. With one more deep breath, he ran and jumped over the edge with shouts of excitement. I turned around to see Sam looking back at the tree line. God he would never take a break. I was going to open my mouth when I felt eyes burning in the back of my head. I turned around to see Jacob Black and Bella Swan looking at us, making me shift uncomfortably.

"Mia! Come on, let's go!" I heard from the boys bellow me. Slightly laughing at there impatient behavior, I ran and gracefully dove into the dark, icy ocean.


Emily's place was filled with load shouts and curse words, as it always is. But today Embry, who has the best sense of smell, caught the scent of a bloodsucker on our land. Another nomad apparently. But it seemed to trigger an eruption of fights in Emily's place. Sam wanted us to check it out, Jared wanted to see if it would just leave, Embry didn't know what to do, and Paul, being Paul, wanted to catch and "rip it's head off" apparently. I agreed with Sam, but I was cut off from announcing it by my imprint calling me. "Everybody shut up!"

"Mia, oh thank god," Quil started with panic in his voice.

"Quil, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, making everyone with enhanced hearing begin to listen into our conversation.

"I just tried to call Jake, and he sounded angry for some reason. I think he's phasing." After that sentence reached my ear, my eyes bugged out, along with everyone else's in the room.

"Thank you Quil, I'll call you later," I rushed out before hanging up and jumping out the door with the rest of the pack. Ripping our clothes off as we phased, and trotting towards the Black house. My head was filled with questions asking how Jake was and if he was alright, but we never received an answer. Instead, we were met with agonizing screams of pain. We phase back into our human forms and changed into some shorts (and a tank for me). We walked out to the front porch to see billy already sitting there.

"Where's Jacob?" Sam asked as we reached Billy.

"He's inside in his room. For some reason he's phasing is slower, and more painful. I was hoping you guys could speed this up?" Billy asked in hope that his son would no longer have to suffer.

"Yeah. Paul, Jared, get him out here," Sam ordered before Paul and Jared walked into the house to go retrieve Jake. We heard a few more agonizing screams, probably when they picked him up, before they walked back outside with a screaming Jake. They put him on the ground before Sam made his way up to him. "I'm gonna say this will hurt, but at least it's better then suffering." Sam concluded before punching Jake square in the face. As Sam kept punching him, you could slowly hear the growls get louder and the shaking get more prominent in Jakes body. Right before Sam was about to lay another right hook, a large rusty brown wolf bursted right in front of the Black house. I smirked looking at Jacob who still seemed to be fuming in his wolf form.

"Welcome to the family brother," I said while petting his fur, "you're gonna hate it."

Authors note!
Another chapter, yay! Without Quil, Jake would be in trouble, thank god he saved the day. Hope you guys enjoy!

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