Crazy Beach Day

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"So this is where you were taking me," Mia stated when she stepped on the sand of La Push beach. "I thought since you made a big deal of this it would be, I don't know, bigger?"

"Well I was going to make this some type of dinner thing, kind of like our first date, but we're not really that fancy so we're just going to hang out," Quil said as the two put down all of their belongings. "Thank you, this really means a lot to me," Mia said as she placed a kiss of his warm lips.

"This isn't the only surprise though, it gets better," he said before whistling, making Mia furrow her eyes in confusion before she turned around when she heard barking noises behind her. She immediately had a smile on her face when she saw the pack and the other imprints making their way over to them.

"What, you think you could just whistle and we'll come like a bunch of dogs," Embry teased with a smirk as they got closer.

"Well, from past experiences, that seems to be a common occurrence," Quil said to Embry as they greeted each other. Mia stared in shock as her brothers and their imprints joined them. She was even more shocked that the boys were even able to keep this secret from her.

"What, not happy to see us princess?" Paul teased at the girls lack of words. "No, believe me I am more than happy," she said as she bumped his shoulder before picking up, "now who's ready to lose?"

That's how the pack managed to split up into two teams for a game of soccer. Quil, Mia, Embry and Seth on one side and Jared, Paul, Leah and Sam on the other with Kim and Emily laughing at them on the picnic blanket they brought. The game consisted of Seth and Leah holding each other in a death grip, Sam 'accidentally' tripping Embry and Quil, Jared constantly throwing Mia over his shoulder when they were fighting over the ball and Paul doing his little victory dance every time he scored. To say the game was hectic would be an understatement. After what seemed like hours of playing, Mia left the game and joined Kim and Emily on the blanket.

"Finally tired of those animals?" Emily asked as she handed her a homemade sandwich. "Yeah, but sadly, we're stuck with them," she stated as she took a bite of her sandwich, making the other two girls laugh.

"We can still hear you!"

"Don't care!" Mia shouted back as the three girls all began to laugh even harder. Soon after they calmed down, Emily went up to get more food the boys. Mia and Kim were quick to offer help, but Emily quickly denied and told them to relax, leaving Kim and Mia alone.

"So, I see you and Jared are doing great," Mia said to her best friend that she hasn't talked to in months. "Yeah, we really are, he's so perfect," Kim said dreamily as she stared at the boy on the beach. "I know you think he's perfect, all you ever used to do was drool over him whenever you saw him," Mia laughed as Kim pushed her slightly, "now all I hear in my head is 'She's so pretty, I love her eyes, she smells so nice'."

"Shut up!" Kim said while blushing and started a small sissy fight with Mia. The two teens were in a fit a laughter until Jared came and threw his imprint over his shoulder. "Sorry Mia, gonna have to borrow Kim for a little bit," Jared said walking away with Kim yelling 'Put me down!'. Mia laughed at the two before turning her head to look at her alpha who was sitting on a rock, secluded from everyone else. Mia frowned before standing up and making her way to Sam.

She sat down next to him, silently staring at the ocean before she spoke up, "So, I'm assuming Jake is spending the day with Bella." Sam sighed before responding to the girl, "Yeah."

When he had said nothing else, Mia knew something was bothering him, probably the same thing that's been bothering her for the past few days. "You have that feeling too?"

"What feeling?"

"You know, the one that something terrible is probably going to happen soon and is probably going to change our lives," Mia stated as she turned to look at her alpha. He raised his eyebrows while turning to her, "You know, sometimes it surprises me how you manage to detect these things."

Mia let a small smile rest on her face before she spoke up, "I've been having it for a while now, I'm just waiting for something to happen now." She frowned as she looked to boy who had seemed to have snuck up on her, the boy who captured her heart. If anything happened to him, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She needed him to be safe, no matter what it costs. Sam, sensing her uneasiness, placed his arm around her and gave her a small squeeze.

"When it does, we'll be ready."


"So you kissed her?" Paul asked as the pack sat in Emily's living room.

"Yeah," Jake responded glumly as we stared at him.

"And she broke her hand?"


"Punching your face?"


Everyone sat in silence, processing the information that they were just told until Mia broke it by laughing.

"That is just too good," She said still laughing until she saw Sams glare. Dropping her gaze to the ground, she stopped laughing, "Sorry."

"Why did you even try to kiss her, she's already sucked face with a leech," Paul stated, making the pack pull disgusted faces.

"I was trying to prevent what is to come, what's going to happen from her turning."

"The war?" Sam said, making all of us face him.

"How are we supposed to hunt the redhead and fight against the Cullens?" Jared asked from where he was leaning against the wall.

"There will be no war unless something happens," Sam said, drawing the attention back to him, "Until then, we focus on killing Victoria."

Authors notes <3
Thought I'd come out of my writing slumber for 100k loves :) thank you so much I love you all and enjoy the rest of the story!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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