First Catch of the Season

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*Warning! This chapter contains violent scenes that may be uncomfortable for some readers. Please skip over that part of you are uncomfortable reading that type of scene. There will be a warning before and after the scene.*

"Your such an idiot Paul," I laughed through my head during patrol. We, as usual, we're looking for any trace of a vampire. Instead of finding one, Paul had walked into a tree.

"I didn't see it there!" He defended, making me laugh even more.

"Whatever you tell yourself, Paulie," I thought as I stepped over a tree branch.

"So, how have you been?" Paul questioned, and I could tell he was serious. It's been a day since Jake became beta, and already him and Sam have been making new plans and deals.

"Not terrible. I mean, it's less I have to worry about. And I could focus more on school," I said, trying to look at the bright side.

"It's 10am on a Tuesday and your worrying about your school work?" Paul joked in my head. "This is really bothering you isn't it?"

"At least I'm still part of the pack," I said in a sad tone. I was going to go in and complain, but I stopped short. I sniffed the ground again to make sure I wasn't dreaming. It smelled fresh. Vampire. "Paul get your ass over here right now!"

"What's wrong," Paul said before he appeared from behind the trees.

"Smell this," I pointed my nose at the ground. Paul sniffed the ground as I instructed before growling.

"It's new, it's here right now!" Paul yelled in my head, getting angry. We both howled, letting the pack know that we need help. The vampire could harm anybody, and there was no way we were letting that happen.

"What's going on?" Sam questioned as he entered the link.

"Vampire," Paul and I said with bitter laced in our voices.

"What! Where!?" Jared questioned as the rest of the pack met with where me and Paul where.

"We don't know, we caught it's scent." I explained.

"But it's here right now," Paul stated.

"Embry, take a whiff," Sam instructed to the pack member who had the best sense of smell. Embry began to smell the ground and repeated Paul's action by growling when he caught the scent. He continued to growl as he walked in the path of the scent, us following behind.

"It's not a nomad, this thing knows where it's going. But it's not the Cullens," Embry explained as we followed him. Soon we reached the edge of the woods where we were blocked by trees and branches but could still se through them. In the middle of a burnt clearing stood a dark colored leech with no one other then Bella Swan.

"What do we do," Jake asked as we watched the scene play out before us.

"Wait a second, she might know him," Sam instructed. Did he seriously just tell us to wait when there was a vampire possibly going to kill someone.

"Victoria won't be happy about my killing you, but I can't help myself. You are so mouth watering," the leech stated.

"Ok, now that we know he's a jackass, bloodsucking, disgusting leech who will, in fact, kill her can we do something?" I asked slightly getting annoyed.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'm going to go out first and distract him. Then, on my signal, you guys will enter and set him off guard. Are we clear?" Sam asked, earning a chorus of yes's from us.

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