Unwanted Alliance

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"Are you sure it's a different scent?" Mia asked Jake as the pack stood around the living room the next morning. They were trying to figure out who this vampire was and why it was in Bella's house. So far, they knew nothing, but the pack was receiving different images from each other as they came up with ideas.

"I'm positive. It's a stranger," Jake told us again. "A nomad wouldn't have left Charlie alive," Sam pointed out with his arm crossed.

"It disappeared 5 miles south, right," Embry asked making Jake nod, "It disappeared in the river, which means it doesn't want us to know where it went."

"But why wouldn't it us want to know where it went. It doesn't even know we exist," Jared questioned. "It's planning something then," Paul stated.

"Or it's working for someone else," Quil stated as he stood next to his imprint. She started searching her brain, trying to think of any possible reason why someone would be doing this. She stopped in a memory from a few months ago, immediately sharing it with the pack when something important stood out.

"Victoria," she whispered, imagining when the dark skinned bloodsucker said he was sent by her. "She's orchestrating all of this to get Bella. That's why he was there a few months ago."

"So she's sending others to go search for her?" Leah questioned before her brother spoke up, "Why would she do that after you guys killed the last one."

"She probably didn't tell whoever it was we exist Incase we find them, or she thought the Cullens got him," Sam thought out loud.

"It still doesn't tell us what she's planning. We have no idea when or where she's going to try to get her," Paul pointed out, making the pack think in silence. He did have a point, Mia thought, they didn't even know what was going on.

"So how are we supposed to help, we're not even allowed on their land," Mia stated, going back to the point of the conversation.

"Bella wants us to form a type of, um, alliance," Jake announced, making most of the pack groan. "No, there is absolutely no way I'm working with them," Mia stated firmly.

"I don't like it either, but they can't watch her and her dad, search for the intruder, and... eat with out our help," Jacob defended even though he wasn't fond of the idea himself.

"It doesn't matter, we'd have to do it anyways. Not only is this a harm to Bella and her family, it's a harm to the tribe. It's out job to defend this land and if that means working with the Cullens then we're going to do that," Sam stated, authority in his voice. The pack slowly agreed with him, even though they really had no choice.

Mia grabbed Quils hand before leading him up to her room. Summer had just begun and everything was already going crazy. They were each other's only normalcy in their lives, and they were going to make sure they enjoyed it.


Sitting on Quil's bed seemed to be the point of relaxation for the pair. They didn't have to worry about the pack barging in and his house was close enough in case of an emergency. It seemed like a happy medium.

"To be completely honest, I am not looking forward to seeing the leech lover tonight," Mia admitted as she played with his hands, earning a small laugh from the boy beside her. "I mean, she never even seems to enjoy our company."

"Maybe that's because you guys don't welcome her," Quil stated with a pointed look, causing Mia to roll her eyes. "You guys never really are nice to her."

"Like you're any better," she countered, making it his turn to roll his eyes. "But it kills me to literally listen to Jake go on and on about how much he love her. He didn't imprint in her for a reason."

"Well that's probably because he has that weird vampire attachment thingy on her," Quil stated, making Mia turn to him confused.

"What vampire thingy?" She questioned.

"A blood singer. It's like imprints for vampires except he's, like, attracted to her blood."


"Tell me about it," he stated, holding her closer then before.

"I'm glad I met you Quil," Mia said, placing a kiss onto his cheek. "I'm glad I meet you too, and I'm not letting you go."


Sitting around the bonfire at night, the pack was excited to hear the legends. Especially Quil, Seth, and Leah who would be hearing them for the first time. Mia stood around the food table, filling up her plate before the boys grabbed everything.

Sitting down next to Quil on a log, Mia took a bite out of her burger before Paul took it out of her hands and sat down on the log next to her. "Dude! You already have three. Give it back," she squealed while reaching over the grab the burger.

"Nope, I always eat four and you already have two hotdogs and another burger on your plate," Paul said, taking another bite of her burger right in front of her face. She was about to try and grab it again, but a familiar scent filled her nose. Turning around, she saw Bella walking towards them while whispering to Jake.

"God, why can't she just hang out with her own kind," Mia complained while watching Seth walk over to the pair that just arrived. "Well, technically, she's not a leech," Quil appeared to the right of her, swinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Yeah, well, she's with the bloodsucker so much she basically is one," Paul grumbled while turning away from the pair, just in time for Billy to start the legends.

"The quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning, but we've always magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, they transform to the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe.

One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man, that was hard like stone, and cold as ice. Our warrior sharp-teeth finally tour it apart, but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear the cold man was not alone, and they were right.

She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's third wife could see that he would lose. The third wife was no magical being, no special powers but one, courage.

The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold women long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared, but one remains. Cold ones. Our magic awakens when they are near and we sense it now. We feel the threat in our blood."

Quil and Mia looked to each other before she laid her head on his shoulder, his grip tightening around her.

"Something terrible is coming."

Seth and Embry made quick eye contact before the looked across to Quil who was already looking towards them.

"And we must all be ready, all of us."

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