[2] welcome to hell

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Dylan slumped against his locker. He'd already had homeroom earlier in the morning and now both he and Felicia had English with Mr. Brown. It could be worse, they could have gotten separate classes or Mr. Darion, who was a hundred times worse than Mr. Brown, but it was still tiring. Why did they even have to have classes on the first day? Sure, they'd had homeroom for like two hours, but it was still the first day. Ms. Fletcher, their new homeroom teacher, had given them their new schedule and explained in a speech that 'Now that you're seniors, you have to set a good example for the freshmen', not that he'd been fully listening.

"What do you have after lunch?" Felicia closed her locker and turned to Dylan. He looked down at the paper he'd placed on top of his English textbook. 

"Biology with Ms. Baker, then Spanish with Mr. James. What about you?" He saw Felicia's face fall.

"History and gym," she sighed, "alright, let's go."

The two of them started walking toward their next class. Dylan absent-mindedly picked at the corner of his schedule when Felicia's arm stopped him. He looked up at her and gave her a face that said 'what are you doing'.

"What?" He frowned, pushing her arm from his chest.

"Who is that?" He followed her gaze forwards, his eyes settling on a black mop of hair. "Is he new?"

The boy wasn't turned toward them, but Dylan could see the profile of his face, and damn. No wonder Felicia reacted. The guy was radiating confidence, had a face chiseled by gods, jawline sharp as a knife and even from this distance, Dylan could guess that his eyes would be piercing. A smile spread across Dylan's lips.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" He teased and Felicia slapped him gently.

"Yeah, I do, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating beauty." She turned back to the guy. "Have you seen him before? He seems familiar."

Dylan just shrugged. The dude did look kind of familiar, but he didn't really care. "Come on, I don't want to be late." He grabbed her arm, pulling her with him. The bell rang just as Felicia muttered:


"How is not wanting to be late considered a nerdy thing?" Dylan asked, letting go of her arm now that she willingly walked along with him. It was her turn to shrug.

"Don't know, just is." She smiled innocently and Dylan rolled his eyes.

They entered the classroom just as the second bell rang and made their way to the back of the class. Dylan let his books down on the desk with a thud and sat down in his seat. Mr. Brown closed the door behind the last couple of students that hurried through and turned towards the class.

"Welcome back, everybody." he started, his eyes looking out over the sea of students. "I hope you've had a wonderful summer break, but sadly it ends now. This semester we will be giving our all, and we'll start with-"

Dylan zoned out. He was already tired of this class. There was a reason why he planned on majoring in marine biology and not english. Resting his head on one hand, he stared at the board where Mr. Brown had begun writing something.


When the bell finally rang Dylan shot out of his seat as if someone had set fire to his pants.

"Please remember, we're reading chapters one through four this week." Mr. Brown sighed in defeat as everyone filed out of the classroom, not listening to him in the slightest, and among these were Dylan and Felicia.

"Finally, lunch." Felicia let out an exasperated sigh. Dylan smiled at her dramatic gesture, even though he, too, could feel his stomach turning with hunger.

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