[8] a douche in angel clothing

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Chris pulled up to the house about at 1:30, in the middle of the night, and Dylan was already downstairs when he did. The rain was falling hard against the streets and Dylan was still a little tired from sleeping. Despite this, he unlocked the door. Not a minute passed before the door opened and Chris came in through it, followed closely by Felicia.

"Wha-" Dylan stopped his sentence, his eyes widening at the state that Felicia was in. Her makeup was smudged, eyes red with tears and her clothes were soaked. He didn't say anything else, just hurried over to his friend, wrapping his arms around her.

"What happened?" He hissed towards Chris. 

"She was walking in the rain when I was on the way home, I didn't do anything," he defended, looking more than a little shaken up, "I couldn't just let her continue, it's pouring!" Dylan's gaze softened, then hardened again.

"Did you drive here drunk?" He gasped, a deep frown taking place on his face.

"I'm not drunk, I had like two beers." 

"Don't be so loud, my parents are home. You have alcohol in your body." Dylan started to lead Felicia, who had been worryingly quiet, towards the living room and Chris followed behind. 

"Barely," Chris mumbled, looking around the dark house. Dylan sat down on the sofa with Felicia next to himself and Chris grabbed a seat in one of the armchairs. "Do you really live three people in this house?" 

"No, four, why?"

"You have siblings?" 

"Yes, two," Dylan let out a sigh as Felicia turned away from him and leaned down into the sofa, resting her head against a pillow. "A fourteen-year-old sister and an older brother, but he doesn't live here."


"Do you? Have any siblings, I mean." Dylan gently placed a blanket over Felicia, who was already fast asleep, snoring softly. Then, he stood. "Do you want tea?"

"I... have an older brother, and I'm not staying," Chris made a move to get up, but Dylan was already what Felicia would call full-mom-mode. 

"You are intoxicated, you aren't driving." 

"What the hell, Brooks?" The raven-haired boy frowned. "You're not the boss of me." 

"I am your tutor." 

"That is not the same."

"Come on man, you could get in trouble, or hurt." Dylan sighed heavily and Chris frown turned into a cocky smile.

"Aww, you care about me," he smirked and leaned back into the armchair.

Dylan couldn't help rolling his eyes. "You wish." 

"Alright, well if you're going to keep me a hostage here then yes, I'd like some tea." Dylan gave a tense smile, moving towards the kitchen. "Do you have red?"

"We have blueberry, is that fine?" Dylan called back as quietly as he could. 


When the tea was done, Dylan returned into the living room. Chris was huddled up in his armchair with a blanket wrapped around himself, and Dylan couldn't help but stare. He was so unlike himself, the usually tough exterior softened. He soon returned to reality, taking a few steps and placing the two mugs he'd been holding on the coffee table.

Chris uttered a quiet 'thanks' and leaned forward to pick up the steaming mug.

"So, now you gotta tell me what happened." Dylan sat back down on the sofa, careful as to not accidentally land on Felicia's sleeping frame. 

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