[26] take out

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"Dylan!" Riley's voice shook Dylan out of his sleep. He groaned and threw a pillow over his face to shut out the light that persisted to shine in through his windows. Riley called his voice once again and Dylan sat up in the bed, frowning deeply, as she entered the room

"Why are you waking me up this early?" He grunted, pulling the covers closer to his body to not lose any of the warmth. 

"Early? Don't you have a clock? It's not early." She pointed at his alarm clock that was sitting on top of the nightstand. Dylan turned his head and watched just as the numbers went from two-sixteen to two-seventeen. 

Wow, he thought, being in school must have caught up to him as he usually never slept in. Not even when he tried.

"Anyway, I need you to drive me," she chimed.

Dylan sighed. He should have understood that getting a car and a driver's license would mean driving his sister everywhere.  "Alright, give me a minute." 

"Cool, thanks," she left the room, closing the door behind her. 

He threw on a tee and some jeans, not really caring about how he looked. Riley was already waiting by the door as he trudged down the stairs and grabbed his jacket. The both of them left the house, not bothering to lock since Dylan was going to get home within a few minutes anyway. 

"Thank you," Riley grinned, throwing the bag in the back of the car and then sitting down in the passenger seat. 

"You're welcome," Dylan responded, mirroring the happy expression Riley wore, "I'm guessing that you're going to Nelly's?" 

"That would be correct," she said, placing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 

"And you're sleeping there?" 

"Yeah, if that's alright." 

"I'm not mom. Of course, it's alright," Dylan remarked, backing out of the driveway. "Do you know when they left?" 

Riley nodded. "At about eleven, I think. I'm surprised that you didn't wake up when they left since dad did his usual 'we're leaving!' and then slammed the door." 

Dylan agreed, it was strange that he'd slept through it all. Well, at least he'd have a lot of energy over for when Chris was coming. He veered to the right, almost missing the exit.

A while later, he slowed down and stopped in front of the house where he knew Nelly lived.

"Thank you again," Riley beamed, reaching into the back to grab her bag. 

"Anytime," Dylan replied. She closed the door and started walking up toward the house. 


After Dylan had gotten home, he made himself some coffee and cooked a few pancakes for breakfast. It was Saturday, so he deserved a treat. When he was finished, he hopped into the shower where he stayed for about half an hour.

"An hour left," he breathed to himself as he roamed the empty house in nothing but a towel. There wasn't much more that he could do except walk around. That was until he realized that he should probably go shopping for some snacks if they were to watch a movie. 

He went back into his room and dressed in the same clothes as he'd worn when he'd driven Riley to Nelly's about an hour and a half ago. He hurried down to the car, wanting to have as much time as possible to spare. 

Surprisingly enough, the store wasn't that crowded. He didn't waste any time, going directly to the snack section. A few minutes, he decided to be as basic as it got and grabbed some popcorn bags and flavoring.

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