[32] distractions

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"Saturday was his slowest day yet, and that was saying something. The sound of his ringing phone woke him up at three p.m, sharp and he groggily answered the call.

"What?" He groaned, hoping that it was someone he knew, but he hadn't thought to ask. On the other side of the line, Felicia cleared her throat. 

"Dylan, are you still sleeping?" She asked, sounding baffled. Dylan huffed.

"Yeah, I'm still asleep," he replied, slowly sitting up in the bed. "It's only... three." 

"There's nothing 'only' with three p.m, Dylan. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. Chris and I had a fight and I'm totally overreacting but I'm tired so I can do what I want. And don't tell me to talk to him, because I will. Today- tonight at Tyler's." 

"That's good at least," she said and Dylan hummed. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a coffee again, but you are apparently occupied by sleep." 

"Weren't you going to hang out with Maddie today?" 

"Well, I'm hanging out with her right now and to be honest, I was hoping that you would say no. She just suggested that I should call because she feels like she's stealing me from you," he could almost hear the shrug, just by hearing her voice. 

"Don't say it like that!" A new voice, that of Madison, exclaimed on the other line, making Dylan smile.

"Well, it's the truth," Felicia laughed, "anyway, I'll see you tonight, Dylan." 

"I'll see you," Dylan replied, hearing the sharp beep of her having hung up the call. He took a moment, laying back down on the bed but not for too long because he didn't want to fall asleep again.

He got out of bed a few minutes later, immediately heading for the bathroom to take a shower. 

"Dylan, are you awake now?" His dad called from downstairs, the smile evident by only his voice. 

"Yeah, dad," he called back, his own voice hoarse with sleep. He sighed at the laughter that came from downstairs and returned to his room, resisting the urge to jump back into the warm and cozy bed.

"There's lunch if you want any," his mom called from what he presumed to be the kitchen, though he wasn't sure.

"No thanks, I'll eat later," he yelled back, grabbing a pair of jeans from a pile of newly washed clothes, pairing them with a simple camo-green tee.


He and Felicia got to the party at ten-fifteen. There were quite a few cars outside, but not nearly as many as on the last few parties they'd been to. As he parked the car, two of his classmates, who, mind you, he'd never seen talking to each other in all of the four years he'd gone in the same class as, fervently making out, not seeming to mind the cold at all. 

He got out of the car, Felicia following close behind. She had actually gotten her car fixed the day prior, which she'd said last night, but they'd decided that it was better that they went together. 'For the environment' Felicia had smiled toward her parents, though both they and Dylan had understood the real reason; alcohol consumption.

"Dylan! Felicia!" The host of the party, Tyler, exclaimed the second they had gotten inside the house, walking quickly in their direction. He seemed to already have had a few drinks because he swayed a little bit in his walk, which wasn't surprising, seeing that they were quite late. "Good to see you, guys. Help yourselves to some beer, or punch, if that's more your style, and just let loose."

Felicia smiled. "Thanks, Ty."

Tyler grinned brightly at them, then continued toward the door, greeting someone that came in behind them.

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