[10] wary welcomes

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Over the following weeks, he and Chris developed a strange sort of friendship. Strange, in this case, was unforeseen, but not unwelcome. He'd both been right and wrong about how their relationship would turn out because while they started to get along better and better, they also didn't see eye to eye on a lot of different subjects. 

It was the last week before Halloween break and the weather was dark and wet. The science project had been turned in by both Chris and Dylan, and Ms. Baker had told the class that they'd get it back after the break.

"I do not have bad taste in music," Dylan argued. The two of them were sitting in a desolate corner of the library where they had planned on studying but were now quarreling about tastes in music. "He is good!"

"What he is, is too mainstream!" Chris countered, "He was the most popular one of the band and now everyone likes him for-"

"Well, he was most popular because he was the best of them!"

"Okay," Chris sighed with a grin on his lips. "Anyway, I gotta leave now, I have a... thing." Dylan nodded.

"Yeah, me too." They started to collect the various discarded notebooks and printed pages. Dylan closed his book bag and threw it over his shoulder, and Chris put on the leather jacket that he always wore, even in the late-October chill. "Alright, well, I'll see you,"

"Yeah," Chris gave him the usual half-smirk.

They parted and Dylan walked over to his car. As he got into it, his phone lit up, signifying that he'd gotten a text. He picked up the phone to look at the screen, seeing that it was from his mom.  

'Hey, honey, I was just wondering when you'd get home tonight. There's a little surprise! Love, momma bear <3'

Dylan frowned. It wasn't anything special about the day, so why would there be a surprise. He sent a short text back, explaining that he was on his way home now, and then pulled out of the parking lot. He put on some music, the kind that Chris, apparently, didn't like. As opposed to  Dylan who did. He tapped the wheel lightly in unison with the music.

Soon, he was full out singing along at the top of his lungs, not caring if someone outside might hear him. Not that there were a lot of people outside on a day like this; the October weather had only brought more cloudy skies and rain.

He drove up to his driveway not long after, parking the car next to his parents' and getting out of the car. There were balloons lining the pathway to the house, which made Dylan frown. What was going on? He made his way towards the house, slowly opening the door and peeking his head inside.

"Hello? He called out, closing the door behind himself.

"Dylan!" His mother exclaimed, coming out into the hall from the kitchen.

"What's going on?" He hung his jacket on a hook and walked over to the kitchen where both his dad and Riley stood leaning on the kitchen island.

"We're going to have a dinner guest." His dad said, a mysterious smile making its way onto his lips.

As if on cue, the front door opened. Dylan took a few steps back, out of the kitchen, then stopped.


"William?" Dylan was shocked, to say the least. He stared.

"What? Not happy to see your big bro?" William chuckled, dropping the duffle bag he'd been holding to the ground.

"No, I just... Thought you were in Norway." Dylan took a few steps closer, wrapping an arm around the older as Riley also came out into the hallway.

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