[17] away from the world

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Dylan groaned. The week had gone by quick, sure, but now it was Thursday and after his sudden realization about his feelings about a certain classmate, he dreaded the day. He rolled out of bed as his alarm rang and threw on some clothes.

Riley was already up, sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea.

"Good morning," she smiled. How was she so awake already? It was barely seven.

"Good morning."

"You seem down, what's up?" Observant as ever, she gestured for him to sit. He shook his head at the offer and went to put on some coffee instead.

"It's all good, just tired," Dylan avoided thinking about that he was going to Chris's house today. That was just an extra stressor that he didn't need.

"Okay." Riley took a bite of her sandwich.

"If you're ready by eight I'll give you a ride." Dylan poured the coffee into a cup and took a seat at the table.

"Really? Aren't you driving Felicia?"

Dylan shook his head. Felicia had told him that she would get a ride from Blaire on Thursday and Friday. She hadn't said why but Dylan didn't mind. Even best friends could have secrets.

"No, she's getting a ride from someone else," he explained and drank some of his coffee.

"Alright, I'll be ready then," Riley smiled. Dylan gave her a short nod.

"What classes do you have today, then?"

"Humanities, Science, English and Art," Riley answered with a sigh. "We're getting a test back in science."

"I'm sure it went well," Dylan assured.

"I hope so."

"Will you text me if it did?" Dylan asked with a bright smile.

"Why?" His sister frowned and downed the rest of his tea.

"I don't know, you don't have to," Dylan shrugged.

"We'll see."


Dylan knew the way to Chris, yet he found himself looking at the GPS every five minutes on the way there. Just as he pulled up to the driveway, his phone pinged. He parked the car and looked at the screen. The message was from Riley.

'I got an A!' It said with at least ten happy emojis. Dylan smiled.

'Great job, Ry!' He replied with and got out of the car.

How Chris had gotten home before him, he didn't know, yet when he rang the doorbell he was met with Chris's usual smirk, though for just a second he'd thought he had seen something that almost looked like nervosity. 

Dylan stood still for a moment. Chris must have just gotten out of the shower since his hair was wet, some of it draping over his eyes slightly as opposed to the soft waves that he usually had. He wasn't wearing what he usually did either; his usual tee changed into a navy sweatshirt and instead of jeans, a pair of light sweatpants.

It suited him. He seemed softer, especially in the golden light of the sun as it descended.

"Come in," Chris said, turning and walking into the house. Dylan followed, letting his bag drop from his shoulder. "We can sit in the kitchen or my room, you choose."

"Uh," Dylan hesitated, "your room, maybe? Whatever's fine with me." He shrugged.

"My room it is, then."

The two of them went up the stairs and down the hall. They'd already walked that exact way the previous Friday, but now it was lighter and more as if someone lived there.

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