[5] suspicion and worry

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Dylan panted lightly as he jogged after the soccer ball. They had been playing for about an hour, and the scorching heat had since long made his shirt stick to his body.

From out of nowhere, Landon came running and took the ball just before he could. How could that guy still have any energy? He must have practiced all summer. As Landon scored, the other boys cheered and the coach finally blew his whistle.

"Alright, let's wrap it up, guys." He yelled from the sidelines. Dylan sighed gratefully and turned to join the team which had formed a half-circle around Coach Jonas. "Really well played today, and I'm happy to see some new faces around here." He smiled at two of the sophomores. "I will post the results on the board first thing Monday morning. Okay, now go and hit the showers."

Dylan followed the team from the soccer field, into the gym and further into the lockers.

"That was a really good game!" Jake exclaimed, still having a slight pant, as he took off his gear.

"Yeah, this year we'll crush it! And you, Landon," Shawn beamed towards the captain as he took off his sweaty shirt, "There's no doubt that you'll get that scholarship." Landon smiled appreciatively. 

Landon had undoubtedly worked harder than all the other players on the team. Not that the others hadn't worked hard, Landon had just worked harder. Dylan was one of the few who knew why, too. He knew that while his teammate played it cool, he didn't have that much money. A free-ride was crucial if he wanted to go to college.

"Dude, your chick is waiting for you outside." Dylan was ripped from his thoughts by Rhett, a junior who he didn't actually know that well, despite him having been on the team for over a year.

"She's not my chick." He responded shortly and grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder, leaving the other boys.

"Hey." Felicia greeted as Dylan closed the locker room door, pushing herself off the wall that she'd been leaning against. "How'd it feel?"

"Good," Dylan answered. "Everyone seems to be in good shape. 'Specially Landon, I don't even understand how he does it."

"Yeah, I could tell he had a lot of energy, even at the end."

Dylan turned his head toward his friend with a slight frown. "You watched?"

Felicia laughed. "What else was there to do? You're my chauffeur!"

"Yeah, I guess that's true." 


They walked together towards Dylan's car without talking. As soon as both of them had closed their doors, Felicia sniffed in the air.

"Dude," she groaned, "you stink!"

At that, Dylan only laughed and turned the ignition. "Well, what did were you expecting? It's your fault." Felicia squinted at him, a smile tugging at her lips.

"How is it my fault?" 

"Well, if you didn't insist on me driving you after practice, then I wouldn't have to shower at home and would be able to do it earlier, resulting in less of a stench." Dylan raised his arm and leaned toward her, making her squeal and push his arm away.

"You are gross!" She laughed as he lowered his arm, putting his seatbelt on and backing out of the lot. 

"And yet, here you are," Dylan smirked. 

"Yeah, well I wish I wasn't," Felicia stuck her tongue out.


It wasn't until 4:40 on the next day that Dylan gave up on waiting on his tutee. He'd been sitting in the library for almost an hour, and he was way too tired. Why had he even waited until then? And couldn't Christopher at least have sent a text or anything? Whatever, he thought and started packing up his stuff. At least Felicia hadn't had to wait for him. 

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