[28] straight-ing

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Dylan sighed, moving to stand in between Chris's legs as the latter sat on top of the counter, a plate with half-eaten pancakes in one hand. He placed a hand at the back of Dylan's neck and put the plate down on the kitchen island.

"You make really good pancakes," he grinned. Dylan put his hands on Chris's hips, moving his thumbs against the fabric of the shirt.

"Thanks," he hummed. 

Chris bent down, placing a chaste kiss on Dylan's lips. 

Then, all within the span of a few seconds, the front door opened and closed. Dylan didn't even have time to react before Riley was standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Dyl, are you-" she shook off her jacket and looked up, stopping abruptly, "oh..."

Dylan stared. Chris too. Riley's eyes moved from her brother to Chris and back to her brother. A smile broke out on her face.

"Hi," she said, walking up to Chris, "I'm Riley, Dylan's sister." 

It took a moment for Chris to respond, but he took her hand with a smile. "Chris." 

Dylan grabbed his sister's arm, pulling her to the side. He saw Chris grin from where he was sitting atop the counter. When they were far enough so that Chris wouldn't be able to hear, he stopped.

"So, you like boys?" Riley smirked. Dylan squirmed.

"Yes, I like a boy," he said after a minute's silence. They stared at each other for a long while, neither saying anything more. "Don't tell mom- are those hickeys?" His eyes moved to her neck, which she quickly put a hand over to hide.

"You can't tell either," she hurried.

"You and Nelly, huh?" It was his turn to smirk now and she looked away.

"I'm not having this conversation right now," she laughed, shooting a glance behind Dylan to where Chris was sitting awkwardly. "He's a catch." 

Dylan laughed. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." 

Riley gave him a short smile before walking past him, back into the kitchen. 

"It was really nice to meet you," she beamed up at Chris, shaking his hand once again before turning and going up the stairs. Dylan just stared for a moment before walking toward Chris.

"Your sister," the latter grinned. Dylan nodded. "She's nice." 

They laughed. "Yeah, she is," he agreed. 

His suspicions about her and Nelly had been right after all, not that it bothered him. And she wouldn't tell, not before he was ready since she, too, didn't want that. Unless Nelly was, in fact, a boy, but he doubted it. 

"Anyway, I should get going or mom and dad will wonder where I've gone," Chris sighed, hopping down from the kitchen island where he'd been sitting for the better part of an hour.

"Mm, maybe that's for the best," Dylan frowned. Chris leaned down, placing a short kiss Dylan's lips before passing him by and grabbed his jacket. "I'll see you at school."


His mom sat back in her chair and sipped slowly on her coffee. 

"How was your weekend, then, kids?" She asked, directing her gaze toward Riley first, then Dylan.

Riley grinned. "I had it really good," she took a bite out of her egg, shooting a short glance toward Dylan, "me and Nelly watched a movie and then I stayed at hers for the night." 

"That's nice," their dad cut in, and Riley nodded enthusiastically. "What about you, Dylan?"

"I didn't do much," he lied almost effortlessly, all the while staring at Riley. Just in case. "I got some homework done and then I watched a movie, but I must have fallen asleep in the middle of it."

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