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I dash down the road, my eyes darting left and right to find the Pokemon center.

I hope they can heal my Pokemon, though I'm not sure.

I've battled before alot, but usually wild Pokemon. They've never been this hurt before.
My feet start to drag the ground as I struggle to run.

I can't stop for a second.

My mouth is dry, and I feel like my legs might give out at any second. But I can't stop. It's my fault they're so hurt.

I made them keep battling. I have to get them there.

Just when I think I can't run another inch, I break into a clearing, with the large, white and pink Pokemon center waiting for me.

I rush inside, and running to the front desk.

"Please... Help..." I pant, putting Eevee down on the table, and charmander's pokeball next to him.

"Oh dear, Chansey, get a stretcher!" Nurse joy shouts.


A Chansey runs up and gently sits Eevee on the stretcher, and puts charmander's pokeball on the stretcher next to my best friend.

"Thank you Chansey." Joy says, as Chansey pushes my Pokemon through two doors that have a sign across them saying

"Authorized personal only"

"However did this happen?" She has a worried expression.

I can't tell her the truth, I'll be arrested. So of course, I lie.

"Well ya see, these people came out of no where and told me to hand over my Pokemon! I had to fight, and we barely won." I even tear up a bit, which is strange, because I've never been able to make myself cry on command.

"It was probably team rocket." She says, making me sweat nervously.

"Who's that?" I ask, trying to play an innocent little girl as best I can.

"They're a no good organization who tries to steal other people's Pokemon! You'd better watch out, those thieves are no good!" She commands.

I have to contain my laughter. If only she knew.

"Right... How long do you think it'll take for them to recover?" I ask, clasping my hands together innocently.

"Oh don't worry, it shouldn't be long."
She assures me, and disappears into the swinging doors.

I'm Frozen in place, I have to unglue my feet from the floor.

I walk over to the circular couch with a giant fishtank in the center, and plop down hard.

I sigh, letting out all the built up tension. My eyes grow heavy and I rub my e/c eyes, allowing them to close.

Dream time hehehe

3rd person pov

You rub your aching head, narrowing your blurred eyes. There's a light, like a train tunnel with a bright yellow light illuminating the opposite end. You drag your feet, desperate to escape the empty, cold, darkness. It's like the further into the darkness you're submerged, the more it seems to take over. Your legs and arms are cold, too cold. You try to shake off whatever is holding you back, but the feeling sticks. It's nothing physical holding onto you. Your breathing is heavy and light, your head feels airy, like it might pop off at any second, or you might faint. The light doesn't seem to get any bigger, which usually would mean you were getting closer. You stop, the light is exactly the same size. You realize now whispers have emerged from the shadows, shouting inaudible words, words that sounds like needles, sticking into you over and over. You breath more heavy, breathing seems to be so foreign, almost like you forgot how. Your hands and feet no longer feel like hands and feet, more like rubber attachments. You begin to trip over your own feet, cement bricks seem to be dragging you down. Its frigid, you're cold. But not the normal kind of cold, the kind of cold that blows right through you, though there's no wind. Just a dark, cold, stale corridor. You decide the best thing is to crawl. Crawl towards the exit, ignoring the whispers that have turned violent.
You push through, even though the corridor isn't growing. Maybe backtracking is better? You turn and sit down, but behind you is only darkness. The kind of darkness that makes you forget light even exists.

End of that oof

Your pov

I snap awake, my heart beating through my chest. For a second i feel like I did in that corridor, empty, numb, cold, and lonely.

"Miss, your Pokemon are healed and ready to go!" Joy smiles at me.

I take a moment to collect myself, before standing to my feet.

"Um, thanks." I say and grab my pokeball, and scooping my Eevee into my arms.

I turn to leave, but she commands,

"Hold it!" I stop in my tracks. What on Earth could she want?

"I should've recognized that uniform anywhere! You're with team rocket, aren't you? I'll bet you were trying to steal someone else's Pokemon, weren't you?" She glares at me.

"I-i, uhh..." Oh boy. This has never happened before. Sweat forms on my forehead, making me look more guilty than I am.

A hand on my shoulder startles me, making me spin around to the figure.

Is that... James? I blush from being so off guard.

"She's likes to play dress up sometimes. Don't mind her. She's with me."

It is James! I can't help the smile on my face, while again I play the innocent victim role.

She glares between us, and I use my big e/c doe eyes as an advantage on the cuteness factor.

"Alright. But you better be careful wearing that uniform around here. Someone might think you're a real member! Now run along, I have work to do." She waves me off,

Someone might mistake me for a member like you did?

I turn to James, and smile a gratefully.

"Thanks. I was in a pickle." I admit.

"Take this." He says, handing me a a long brown jacket. It must be his. For some odd reason, I like the thought of wearing his jacket.

"Thanks." Is all I say while I slip my arms into their respected holes. "Let's go." He says.

"Uh, hold on." I say, letting Eevee jump over to James' arms.

"Aah!" He almost doesn't catch Eevee, but Eevee holds on with her claws.

"Sorry, just a second." I say, pulling out eevee's pokeball and making her return.

"Let's go." I smile, almost strutting past him.

"Cmon what're you waiting for?" I call.


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