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On our way back to the cabin, the only thing I can think about is,
1, why was he there,
2, why did he help me,
And 3, why did he bring a jacket for me? Does getting recognised happen alot?

"Why did you do that?" I ask, trying not to sound mean.

"Jessie made me." He simply says.

"Oh." I can't seem to hide the disappointment in my voice. He looks over his shoulder at me, and must see my disappointment.

"It's happened to me before. I thought I should come, so Jessie agreed." He explains.

I smile, realizing he's trying to cheer me up.

An orange blur darts in front of James, making him stumble in surprise.

"Growl! Growl!" It yelps defensively. James must've stepped on his tail or something.

"A Growlithe?" He says, stepping backwards, almost like he's afraid.

"Let me battle it!" I grab eevee's pokeball, sending her out.

"Eevee, use tackle!" I command, hoping to react too quickly for the Growlithe.

Eevee tackles Growlithe in the chest, barely moving the sturdy fire type.

It growls, before using bite.

I throw a pokeball despite it not being very weakend.

"Eewe?" Eevee says, confused by Growlithe's dissapearing.

The ball shakes in Growlithe's attempts at breaking free, but when it clicks, I know he's been beat.

"Yay! I caught him!" I shout with joy, jumping up and down like a child.

"Yessss! Great job Eevee!!" I run over to the ball, picking it up.

Eevee nuzzles my arm, and I smooth her fur down in the direction it grows.

The ball is heavier than an empty pokeball, but only slightly. I grab a marker from my pocket, and draw a little Growlithe on the front.

"Look James!" I jump to my feet, showing him the pokeball proudly.

"You know, I used to have a Growlithe." He says after inspecting the pokeball.

"Really? What happened to it?"

I gaze up at him. I feel like he's so much taller than me, even though he's just barely a head taller.

"Oh... He's still living on my parent's estate." He smiles as he remembers.

"Your parents have an estate?!" I yell as we continue down the road."

"Yeah." He has a slight smile as he looks up at the sky, his arms behind his head.

I can't help to look into his eyes again, I can feel myself getting lost in his eyes. How can I not? They're so pretty. Maybe you shouldn't call a man's eyes pretty, but dang, I can't help but stare.

I trip over something, my feet falling behind me.
"Ewee!" Eevee yelps, and I accidentally fall on top of her.

"Owch!" I yelp, Eevee immidiatly jumps out from under me, giving me a death glare.

"Are you okay?" James asks, a bit confused on how I managed to trip over my own poke'mon.

"Yeah... Ow..." I mumble, taking the hand he offers me. I stand, once again we're out in this situation, but with no one to interrupt us.

My stomach feels like fireworks are bursting inside, but I keep my nerves still and gaze into his eyes. I've never been so memorized... I've seen oceans and mountians, but nothing has ever left me as speechless and in awe like his green eyes.

I feel myself leaning in. Is this really happening? He's leaning in too.

"There you two are! Where have you been?!" I hear a high pitched voice shreik towards us.

I startle out of his grasp, and feel my cheeks heat up. She must not have noticed our little... Staring contest, because she marches right up to us.

"Hurry up! The twerps are staying right over there!" She points to an opening on the opposite side of our cabin, to the three figures sitting around a fire, joking and laughing.

I wish we could be friends like that. But I know that Jessie and Meowth kind of hate me.

"And?" I sass her. Since seeing them so easily defeated, they've seemed alot less threatening.

"And, we're going to steal pikachu while the twerps are sleeping!"

Meowth says, popping out from nowhere.

"Yessss, let's do it!" I whisper yell.

I walk back down the path, avoiding eye contact with James. How embarrassing. He wouldn't really kiss
Me. Would he?

My thoughts are interrupted by realization.

"Oh hey! I caught a new Pokemon!" I announce, holding up my pokeball.

"What kind of Pokemon is it?" Jessie asks, staring at the pokeball held high above my head proudly.

"It's a Growlithe." I inform her, releasing the Pokemon.
"Go Growlithe!" I yell, sending Growlithe onto the ground.

"Grooooowlithe!" Growlithe gives a prideful howl.

"Nice." Jessie says, obviously unimpressed.

I give her a side eye, and Growlithe turns to her as well, blasting her in the face with flame thrower.

"Growly, no!" I accidentally called him growly, it kind of slipped out. But I like it. It's cute. I've never nicknames my Pokemon, maybe I should start.

"Control you little runt will you?!" Jessie shrieks, patting her now burned up hair down.

All 4 of us hold in our laughter, I can feel tears appearing in my eyes.

"S-sorry." I chuckle.

"It's not funny!" She informs us, before stomping off inside.
We all four simultaneously glance at each other, and burst out laughing.

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