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"so what are we gonna fail at stealing today?" I joke.

"Actually, I thought we could do some shopping, since we're low in food, thanks to that darling Eevee of yours." Jessie says sarcastically.

"Huh? What did Eevee do?" I perk up.

Now that I think about it, where Is Eevee? I stand up before Jessie can complain about her, and walk to my room.

Eevee yawns, laying on my bed, surrounded by food wrappers.

"Eevee!" I snap. She startles awake, immidiatly jumping to her feet.

"Why'd you take all the food?" I question.

"Ewee!" She cried defensively. Before I can react, she jumps down and pulls the blanket off the bed that draped over the side, hiding the little space between the floor and bed.

I gasp at Growly and Charmander, who lay curled up, with a few bits of food surrounding them.

"Growly! Charmander!" I yelp! Making them snap awake.

"What the heck guys?!" I demand.

They crawl out from under the bed, hanging their heads.

"Growl, growl!" Growly barks.

"Ohhhhh it's because I forgot to feed you." I finally understand.

"What? You mean this was YOUR fault?"

I spin around to the trio standing in my door way, each one's arms crossed.

"Uh..." I sweat nervously, placing my hand on the back of my head.

"It's my fault!" James blurts put. We all six, including my Pokemon, look up at him.

"Uh... I said I would feed them...but I forgot." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, glancing nervously at me, like he's trying to make it up to me for this morning.

"Wee?" Eevee looks confused. That's right! Eevee was right next to me! But wasn't she asleep?

"I widen my eyes at her with my back to the others, as if saying "play along".

She raises an eyebrow, but doesn't protest.

"Well since you two are responsible, who don't you go shopping while Meowth and I try to capture Pikachu?" Jessie says like more of a command then a request.

"Fine." I mumble, returning growly and Charmander to their Pokeballs, while grabbing my uniform to change into.

Jessie and Meowth had already walked away, but James stands there, a confused expression on his face.

"I need to change." I say, holding up the bundle of clothes.

"Oh, right." He steps out, closing the door behind him.

I slip out of my leggings and pull his jacket off, and decide to look at myself in the mirror before I dress.

I walk over, looking down at my black sports bra, and black boyshort panties.

They match, but I'm not sure it's very "sexy." Maybe I could buy some new underwear while I'm out.

But for what? James definitely won't see it, so I guess just to feel "cute".

I slip on my uniform, grab my bag, and let Eevee jump onto it, she likes to ride on my shoulder/backpack sometimes.

"Oh Eevee, look. You can't mention what happened this morning... To ANYONE. Got it?"

I try to sound stern, but I'm mostly just afraid.

She nods, and gives a happy chirp.

I smile, and walk out.

"Ready?" James walks over from his room, even though he didn't change clothes.

"Yeah. I think Eevee wants to tag along." I smile back at her, and she gives us a close eyed smile.

James returns the cute gesture, Making me look at the ground to avoid blushing.

We walk outside, and down the path. The nearest town is a 15 minute walk away, so I should try to make some conversation.

I should explain myself, tell him I was sorry for running away (again), and maybe then things wouldn't seem so tense.

But how do you start a conversation like that? 'sorry about running away while we were kissing' it just doesn't sound right!

I'm sure I'm overthinking everything, but I can't stop thinking about this morning... The feeling of himself being pressed against me, the way it fired me up.

I blush. I can't believe I was so close to him, and I feel as if I didn't even appreciate it enough.

I remember the night when Abra took Eevee, and how he pulled me into himself.

Why did he pull me in like that? The way his hands gripped my waist like that, I was powerless against him.

And the way he comforted me when I was scared of losing Eevee.

Maybe the reason he slept with me after the dream was because he knew I was lonely, or needed comfort.

That still doesn't make any sense.

And the way he ran to me when I was crying on the rock... Why was he out there in the first place?

"What did Jessie say we needed to get?" I blurt out, trying to pull myself from my thoughts.

"She gave me a list, but I never look at it." He shrugs, folding his arms over his chest.

"You get groceries alot?" I try to make the conversation flow.

"Yeah, but it's usually just me. It's nice to go with someone." A hint of a smile is visible at the end.

I blush, bit turn to the opposite side to hide it.

"Cool." Is all I say. I think about our kiss, the way he just told me to kiss him, and I did. I think. Maybe I just let him kiss me? Did I even kiss back?

What if he thinks I didn't want to kiss him, since I didn't kiss back? Maybe that's why he's trying to get on my good side!

I should try to kiss him today. At some point.

I imagine us walking through the mall, and I pull him into a picture booth, closing the curtian, and kissing him.

An image of me sitting on his lap, both my legs wrapped around his waist flashes through my mind.

I shiver slightly, but just enough to draw his attention.

"Hm? Are you cold?" He asks, giving me that cute, Innocent look he wears when he asks a question.

"No..." I just shivered because I was imagining making out with you.

"I just... Yeah, a little bit." I'm lying, I'm actually a little warm. But I didn't want it to seem weird.

"Look, we're here!" He announces, suddenly we're in town.

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