Chapter 2

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Lena POV:
I have always been blind. I don't really mind but some other people do. I am taunted and ridiculed because of my eyes. I can't go anywhere without hearing the whispers. My own family hates me. They think of me as a disgrace. That's why I have decided to leave town. Tonight.
I packed the necessary things. I don't know how I'll find food or water but anything is better then staying here.
*A while later, deep into the forest*
I have no clue where I am or where I'm going. I started some time ago and haven't stopped since. I continued walking, feeling the path carefully to make sure I don't step on something or fall. Suddenly the path became oddly clear and even. Almost like someone would tend to their land. I decided that this would be a good place to rest while I decide on what to do next. Suddenly I hear hissing and feel soft vibrations from footsteps. I freeze. "What business do you have here." A rough feminine voice harshly says. I tense before responding, "I was just passing through." I said calmly hoping not to anger the women. "Turn around" she said. So I did.

I slowly turned around with my head hanging down. She didn't say anything so I slowly brought my head up and brought my eyes to her general direction. I heard a gasp from what I assume is shock. I felt her take a step forward as I tilted my head in confusion. What does she want? "You can't see." She says more to herself then me. "No I cannot. Is that a problem." I said harshly remembering the reason why I was here in the first place. "No-no it's wonderful actually" she said and I could practically hear the smile she had on her face. She took another step forward and cupped my face. I don't know why but I felt safe with her. I pressed my face into her hand and sighed. I liked feeling her touch. "Beautiful." I hear her whisper. And my stomach flutters from the compliment. "Come. Let's go inside." I knew I probably shouldn't but I trusted she wouldn't hurt me. I mean what could she do that would scare me.

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