Chapter 14

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     The ground was hard and cold. I pulled myself up and curled myself up into a ball. I sat there for a while and sobbed into my knees.
"Where am I?'
"What happened to Medusa and where is she?"
"What's going to happen to me?"
    These questions flowed through my head, banging against the walls, begging to be answered. And yet all I could do was sit here and wait.
    I continued to cry until I heard rustling from in front of me.
"Who's there?" I asked wearily.
No answer.
"Hello?" I asked again.
"My name is Tom."  The man said drying as if it was such a burden to be talking to me. I paused for a moment before answering him.
"My name is Lena." I said softly. I guided my hands along the floor as I asked Tom where we were.
"Well, Lena, this is the Kings dungeon. But not the regular dungeon." He said matter of factly. Of course the statement made me frightened hoping that whatever he meant by that, was good.
"What dungeon are we in then?' I questioned hesitantly.
"Why, this dungeon is only temporary. This is where they hold the prisoners before they are set up." He spoke. Making it obvious that he accepted his fate of being 'set up'.
"Set up?' What do you mean?" This couldn't be good.
"You know. Hung and killed for all of town to see." He said as if it was obvious.
     I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I was going to die. And what for? Because I went out into the forest and happened to come across the love of my life. Who also happened to be the 'monster' that everyone fears and wants to kill. Why do I deserve to die because of that.
    Some time passed before words were said between Tom and I. Shock left me mute as my brain struggled to take it in.
"Tom?' I said.
"What?" Tom said aggressively.
"Are you going to be 'set up' too? I questioned cautiously.
"Yes I am." He spoke. His voice dripping with resentment.
"May I ask why."  I asked, curiously.
"I stole things. Food mostly. Most of it went to my family. But I got caught and now I'm going to be killed to set an example to everyone. Steal and you die." Tom stated. Lacking, any and all emotion in his voice. "They have our death dates set for tonight. Me, you, and some monster. We all die."
I froze. Did he say monster? That means Medusa is still alive. Now I just have to figure out how to get to her.
Idk how I feel about this one but at least it's something.
Let me know what you think
:) :)
Dm me on Instagram anytime: @lizziepetrich

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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