Chapter 3

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Lena's POV~
We walked slowly to her..home? I heard a few hisses every now and then when I would trip or run into something on the ground. I could hear her mumbling to herself but all I could distinguish was something about clearing the area of anything in my way. After a short walk, we abruptly stopped. "We are here, love" she said as she continued walking along into what I assume is a cave. I had butterflies in my tummy at her use of the pet name she used. I could feel a blush creeping up on my face but I quickly got a hold of my emotions and focused back on the task at hand.

She sat me down and I could hear the crack and pop of flames so I know I am by a fire of some sort. I reach down to feel my surroundings and am greeted with a warm pelt or fur and judging from its size most likely a bear or other large animal. I continue to feel around when I accidentally brush my fingers up against fine soft skin. I immediately retract my hand and mumble a string of apologies. "No need to worry, love. You are quite safe here. I will not hurt you." I let out a sign of relief at her words as they somehow comforted me. I could feel her moving slowly towards me. And I subconsciously tensed but quickly relaxed when I heard a whimper that I almost didn't catch. Instead I inched my way towards her as I did I heard her intake a large sum of air. No doubt worried about what I would do. I brushed up against her ever so gently as she relaxed into my touch. A large smile graced my face from the reaction from my touch.

We stayed like that for a few minutes before I decided to break the silence. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked. "I could say the same thing about you." She said as she laughed at her poor excuse for humor. "My town didn't like me. My family didn't like me. So I left. Thought this was better then living a miserable life in a town where everyone hates me." I concluded as I thought about the awful people in my town and my reason for coming here. I felt a hand reach up and caress my face, almost as if they were memorizing my face. "I don't know how anyone would hate you. I love you already." My heart skipped a beat at her deceleration. I leaned into her touch and relished in her presence. I didn't even know her name and but somehow I knew that we were meant to be together.

To my surprise I heard hisses and slithering. I wasn't afraid but I was confused. I reached up and I felt her tense under my touch. I guided my hand along every curve and nook of her face wanting to feel what she looks like. As I made my way to the top of her head, I didn't feel smooth locks of hair that I thought I would. Instead I felt rough scales of a snake. I moved along the snakes body until I reached its head. I felt around and even stuck my fingers in its mouth to feel it's fangs. It didn't bite it just sat there while I discovered it. I spent some time touching and feeling the snakes on top of her head. Only when I grew tired did I stop. "Love, I think you better rest." I couldn't hold back a yawn as I was settled into the fur. Once situated I didn't hesitate to wrap my body around her. And she gladly did the same to me. Soon enough I was in a deep sleep.

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