Chapter 5

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Medusa's POV~
   All my life I've been criticized and mocked for the way I look. They make up stories about the lady in the forest who turns men to stone with just a single glance. They are afraid to even come near the forest and those who are brave enough to venture in always  end up running for the hills. Those hills being me. They try and kill me. To prove that they are manly and worthy of god knows what. But each and every time they get turned to stone. I don't want to but it's either me or them. So now they serve as warnings to anyone who sees them. Don't go any further. Don't look me in the eyes. And don't come into the forest.
   Still, I had longed for someone to hold and cherish. For someone to do the same to me. I knew or thought that that was just wishful thinking. That no one wants a disgrace with snakes for hair. So I lived out my days alone and full of sadness.
   The days went by slowly. I dragged my feet and bided my time. But then. Then this small girl who looked me straight in the eye and didn't turn to stone. I wanted her to stay. For her to be the one I cherish. But no one would want to stay with me. Not after what I have done.
   So after she slept, I wiggled out of her surprisingly strong grip, put a blanket over top of her and went out to hunt. I hunted till day break, then midday, then almost till sundown. When finally I couldn't carry all that I have killed. I made my way back home. Thoughts rushed through my head and the anxiety of the situation came crashing down. Was she still there? Did she leave? What would I do if she left? What would I do if she stayed?
   I circled around the back of the cave and dropped my killings near the entrance. I looked inside...nothing. She wasn't here. She had left. I didn't think that it would hurt this much.
   I wiped my tears and started to walk to the garden. I didn't need anything from there but it had a calming sensation to be surrounded by so much beauty and life. I take my time to enjoy it all. I step on a twig and it snaps. "Hello" I hear a light shaky  voice ask. Oh god she's here. I follow her voice when finally I get close. She been saying something and I think I responded but I can't focus on anything other then that she's here. I see her reach out her hand and I tentatively take it. Soon I pull her in for a hug. I never want to let her go. The snakes wrap around  her. Well as far as they can reach which is mostly just her neck and shoulders.
   After we or well I get bored with the garden. I take her hand and place it on my arm as a guide. I make sure to tell her when to step and move out of the way of rocks and roots. She's so adorable. Once outside the cave I let her go inside and feel around while I grab a deer and begin skinning it and starting the fire to cook the deer.
   While I'm doing that I notice her go out to the tree line and start looking for something. I put down my knife and walk over to where she is. Making sure to make some noise so I don't scare her like before. "What are you looking for love?" I curiously ask. She pauses what's she's doing and puts her hands on her hips. "I trying to find a long stick so that I can walk  around without hurting myself." She says with a very cute frustrated look on her face. "Well why don't I help you." I say pulling her into my arms and leaving a soft kiss on her temple. "Yes I would like that." She said with a grateful sigh.
   Soon enough we found one. Well I found it and let her think she did. But only cause she looked so sad. And I'm glad I did. Once she 'found' it she started jumping up and down with the biggest smile on her face. I took a step forward on some leaves so that she knew where I was. She ran towards me and jumped into my arms. "Look I found one!" She exclaimed. I spun her around which made her giggle. "I knew you could do it!" I said proudly. She jumped up and down a few more times still smiling like a mad man.
   We walked back home and she used her stick to feel around for obstacles. It took a bit longer but I didn't mind. Once inside the cave I finished skinning the deer. Lena then stole my knife which she paid for  with a kiss on the cheek. While I prepared dinner, Lena set out with carving her stick so it wasn't so heavy to hold. She also forced me to get her some vines so she could make a strap for her stick. I didn't want to but an offer of a special gift after dinner made me quickly shut my mouth and go get her a vine. I had no idea what the gift was but I wasn't about to not find out.
   We ate dinner, till we couldn't eat anymore. I took what was left and saved it for the morning. After, I joined Lena on the bed and she quickly snuggled into  my side. "Do I get my gift now?" I ask while gently rubbing her thigh. I learned that she liked that last night when I was trying to get her off me. "Since you were so nice. I'll give you a very special gift." She lifted up my arms and climbed into my lap so she was facing me. She looked straight into my eyes and I couldn't breath. She reached up her hands and felt my face. She soon rested her fingers upon my lips.
   She moved in closer. And closer. And closer. Until finally, she kissed me. It was the most glorious thing I have ever felt. I grabbed her waist and pulled her close. I inched my hand under her shirt. She moaned when I used my other hand to roughly grip her thigh.  It was the most heavenly sound I have ever heard. And I never wanted it to stop.
Cliffhanger? Maybe maybe not.
Let me know what you think will happen next or what you want to happen next.

Next update: Saturday

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