Chapter 7

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Medusa POV~
I walked over to the pile of wood I had cut earlier that day and added one to the fire. I watched it burn for a few minutes before leaving it to watch my Lena sleep. She was so beautiful even when she dreamed. How I wish to stay and keep this peaceful moment but I had work to do. I couldn't bring Lena, no, that would be to dangerous. I pulled up my hood and made sure Lena was asleep before turning and grabbing my arrows and walking through the woods.

It didn't take long before I arrived, as I had been her many times before. I stalked around the edge where no one could see me and listened in. The town, that's where I was. If anyone saw me I would be killed on site. They think I'm a monster when I've never killed anyone who didn't deserve it. The only reason I am even here is because I need supplies. I know how to hunt and cut wood but I need necessities like clothes and extra things to help make things easier. It also helps to know what is going on. The kings men are awfully loud talkers when they are drunk. I took a step closer and saw what could only be described as pitiful. Some drunk lad had pushed a lady against a tree. Normally I wouldn't bother but something caught my eye. She wasn't even doing anything. Not fighting back or even complying. She didn't even have any emotion present on her face. I watched the man make a fool of himself with disgust. I would help but that would surely get me killed.

I waited and watched. I thought he would have left or passed out by now and I was growing bored at watching this unfold. I think the girl had the same idea. Before I knew it she had pulled out a knife and stabbed him. His body fell to the ground with a harsh thud. She pushed him over with her foot and bent down to dig into his pockets. She pulled out a key and examined it. She smirked and placed the key in her own pocket before turning and waking away. I sat there shell shocked as I watched her disappearing figure escape into the distance.

I couldn't let that stop me from my goal and made my way to the closed shops and took what I needed. I was back by morning and Lena was none the wiser. I'd tell her if I didn't know she would insist on coming. And because I couldn't refuse her then the outcome would most likely be death to us both. I didn't want to risk it. I know she will find out eventually but until then, it will stay between me and the moon.
Consider this a late Valentine's Day gift. I have another chapter halfway done in my drafts and I will be posting it soon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you for the support it means the world!!

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