Chapter 8

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Lena POV~
"What a warm day out. Would you like to have a picnic today?" I said absentmindedly. I await an answer but after a couple of seconds of silence I stop walking. Medusa continues until I feel a pull on our arms. "What the problem? Something wrong, love?" Medusa says as she cradles my face in her hands with a look of what I'm assuming is concern painted on her face. I raise my hand to cover hers and lean into her touch. I close my eyes and relish in the feeling of love and comfort. "Nothing, my dear. What got you so lost in thought?" I ask as I pull her hand down into my own and place my other one on her arm as I allow her to lead the way. Medusa laughs and says, "I was thinking about having a picnic today." I snorted at that and shook my head.
Medusa POV~
I wasn't thinking about having a picnic although it did sound very pleasurable. I was thinking about the girl. Something was going on and it didn't feel right. The snakes were growing tense and I knew trouble was brewing. I looked over and saw Lena smelling the flowers and basking in the sunlight. She looked so peaceful and cute. It would be a shame to ruin the image. I smirked at my thoughts before jumping on top of her bringing both of up crashing to the ground before showering her with kisses. I brought my hands down to her waist and started tickling her. Her laughed were enough for the tenseness to leave my body and allow me laugh along with her. She tried pushing me away but she was no match for my strength. Finally, I stopped and left a few fleeting kisses on her soft lips before dropping my body next to hers. She immediately latched onto my side and tucked her head beneath my chin. I brought my arm around her and pulled her close to my body.

     We sat there for awhile talking about nothing in particular while she played with my hands and I ran my fingers through her hair. I described the sky and the trees, the grass and the flowers. She loved when I talked about the flowers. The sunflowers, she said, are the prettiest. Eventually the sky grew dark and the stars came out. I described those too. I watched as her eyes lids grew heavier. "Would you like me to tell you a story?" I asked pulling her close so the midnight breeze wouldn't get to her. "Mm-hm" Lena mumbled almost asleep. "Okay my dear, I will tell you a story about the moon and the sun."

"Once upon a time there was the sun and there was the moon. Now they both were completely opposite. One dark and the other light. Still, they fell in love. They spent every moment together. And never grew tired of one another. But the moons family, the stars, hated the sun because the sun wasn't like them. Still they didn't let it pull them apart. But the suns family, the clouds, also didn't like the moon. So the two families devised a plan. This plan would keep the sun and the moon apart. They went to the earth and had them cast a spell that split them apart into different parts of the day. They are to never be together at the same time during the day. Still they try and reach each other. So the sun runs across the sky trying to reach the moon. While the moon runs across the sky trying to reach the sun."

I ended my story and looked over to see Lena fast asleep. I place a kiss on her head before closing my eyes and wondering about the sun and the moon.
DAMN was this cute. Got me blushing at my own story.
Two chapters in one day!?!? I know crazy but the creative juices were flowing. I don't know when I'll post next so don't wait up for it. But it will come eventually so don't worry.
Oh and the picture is what I imagine Medusa to look like.

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