Chapter Eight

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She  wanted to say the her wedding was beautiful, but she had been such a bundle of nerves that it had all been a big blur.

It had been just the two of them and the ministry official, which she knew most would find horribly underwhelming, but she found rather sweet. It wasn't like either of them had many friends and those they did have didn't know any truth to their relationship. All the papers printed speculation after speculation about what their relationship might be. She found them annoying. Draco found them humorous.

Draco's parents had sent a gift, surprising her. She hadn't known that Draco had even told his mom and dad, but the small cradle had shown her that he had. When she asked about it he had simply said that they believed that it was his biological child and they wanted him to take responsibility.

"Actually, Mum said they only thing that would hurt me by you having my child would be me not marrying you. 'Malfoy's don't have bastards, Draco dear' is what she said." He had told her while laughing, and she knew that even though he wasn't close to his parents their support meant more to him than he would ever let on.

So they stood together and took their vows, him in a dark grey suit and her in a tea length satin gown. They had arranged for photos afterwards, so she once again put a glamour on her stomach. She had the suspicion that Draco didn't want her to, but they both knew the time would soon come when the world knew of the child growing in her belly.

Posing next to her now husband - the idea still didn't seem real to her - proved to be taxing. She was getting so closer to the end of her pregnancy than the beginning and she was starting to have back pain from standing too long. After a half hour of pictures she stood on her tip toes to whisper to Draco. "How much longer?"

He looked down at her. "We can leave anytime."

Grinning she gave him a peck on the cheek. "Then let's leave now."

They made their way to the photographer and let her know they would be leaving; Hermione tried to ignore the knowing from the woman gave them.

Thankfully they had already sent their luggage to the house, so they appraited straight to Italy. The sensation still made her queasy, but thankfully the nausea passed after a few moments of her feet landing on the floor. Draco kept his arm around her until he knew that she wouldn't fall over and the sight of the platinum band around his ring finger sent an odd feeling to her stomach.

I'm married to Draco Malfoy. I'm now Hermione Malfoy and I'm having a baby with Draco's blood. The though made her hand clutch onto his arm tighter and he sent her a look of worry.

"Are you alright, 'Mione?" She stared up at him for several moments before pulling herself together.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm getting better at the side along."

He laughed and tugged on some of her hair before letting her go. "Want to see the best part of this place?"

He motioned with his head for her to follow him and he led her over to where there was a set of French doors. He pulled on the handles and slowly opened the doors, happy when he heard her give a small gasp.

"You didn't tell me we were going to be right on the shore!" She followed him out onto the balcony and took in the sight of the sun setting over the ocean. He came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, watching the view with her.

"Dance with me." He moved farther back and took her hand in his, pulling her close once again.

She laughed and allowed him to put her hand around his neck. Her belly, now reveled, brushed his stomach as they danced to the sounds of the ocean.

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