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Title: Phoenix

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Title: Phoenix

Contains violence

From a young age, Nicole's always been called "Phoenix." Why? Like a phoenix, Nicole can regenerate after being burnt down to ashes. Each time she regenerates, she becomes an even more beautiful and stronger phoenix than the last. However, when her mother forces her into marriage to solve their financial problems, Nicole is burnt down to almost indecipherable ashes. Can she regenerate into another beautiful, strong phoenix again?


Written by SVTSwrites


Title: The Single Search

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Title: The Single Search

Kenna is in her mid-twenties, has never been on a date and the only guy she's ever kissed is her dog. Her relationship status doesn't bother her, though it seems to bother everyone else - especially now that her baby sister is fresh out of high school and freshly engaged. Suddenly, Kenna feels pressure from everyone, including her own family, to settle down.Determined to discover what's the big deal with the whole "love thing," Kenna uses her journalism skills to set out and find the reasons behind love. But after a horrible misunderstanding with her boss, the beginning of a new friendship and an event that causes the futures of two coworkers to fall on her shoulders, perhaps finding the answers and posting them on her blog, "The Non-Conformist," is going to be harder than she initially thought.

Status: ONGOING, almost COMPLETE

Written by traveler_penbrooke


Titles: 'Shipped

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Titles: 'Shipped

The New Little Princess made it. She got her contract. Now she's a star. But stars attract even more ICT comments and among them are comments by trolls. The Princess is a songwriter but she's not really a creative writer. The trolls are creative writers, writing about her relationship with a boy actor and all the things they are . . . doing . . . together: including many things that the nine-year-old star has never heard of let alone done! Now what does she do? How does she get them to shut up? Even Anthony won't come to help her this time. So she goes on the attack, trying to outtroll the trolls and say such insulting things that they go away in tears. Instead, tens of trolls become thousands of trolls, each one with a dirtier mind!


Written by Princesisto

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