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These are the winners for the mystery/thriller section. If you didn't get top three, please don't be discouraged! I will PM you your stickers!

1st place! vinylplanets

1st place! vinylplanets

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The judges review-

Cover- 4.5/5 Authours name is in a white mass, making it hard to read

Synopsis- 10/10

Spelling/grammar- 8/10 Some mistakes throughout

Writing style- 8/10 Story told sufficiently, enough to engage the reader

Character developement- 9/10 Character were dimensional and realistic

Plot- 9/10 Really good plot, but recommended to shorten paragraphs a bit

Total score- 48.5/55 Good job!

2nd place! UriTian

The Judges review-

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The Judges review-

Cover- 2/5 The cover wasn't too interesting

Synopsis- 1/10 Wasn't too intriguing

Spelling/grammar- 5/10 Pretty good, could be tweaked here and there though

Writing style- 9/10 Caught the readers attention

Character developement- 10/10 Awesome character developement

Plot- 10/10 Each chapter was a different story, got the point across

Total score- 37/55 Good job!

3rd place! MaddieBrinn

3rd place! MaddieBrinn

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The judges review-

Cover- 4/5 The authors name was kinda misplaced

Synopsis- 1/10 Written in a choppy way

Spelling/grammar- 7/10 Could fix some stuff for improvement

Writing style- 7/10 Intriguing

Character developement- 8/10 First person point of view keywords pulls the reader right in

Plot- 8/10 Used mostly throughout the story

Total score- 35/55 Good job!

For the rest, good job! You did awesome and I will PM you your participation sticker!

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