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There will also be judging to be done! I will have a contest to pick out three winners from a genre. First, second and third!

This is for fun!

To join, you must have at least 3 chapters published, excluding character cast/aesthetics and trailers! Exceptions will be made for poems!

The ones who dont make it to the leaderboard (I dont like saying loser) will still get a sticker for participating!

Prizes for the winners:

First place winners-

- First place sticker and/or a sticker for participation

- A follow from me

- A shoutout to their account and to their book on both of the book sites I am on as well as Pinterest!

- A star rating

- Your book will be added to my reading list


Second place winners-

- Second place sticker and/or a sticker for participation

- A follow from me

- A shoutout on my Wattpad account

- A star rating

- Your book will be added to my reading list


Third place winners-

- Third place sticker and/or a sticker for participation

- A follow from me

- A shoutout on my Wattpad account

- A star rating


As before, the ones who didn't make, 2, it to the leaderboard will still get a sticker for participating!

Judge form is next page!

Star Authors Book Display [CLOSED FOR JUDGING]Where stories live. Discover now