Chapter Eight

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That night, Artemis woke up to the door opening. She sat up as much as she could without whacking her head. Kid Flash stood in the doorway. "Hey, Tigress. C'mon. You're needed."

She got up and followed him. They walked past a row of empty cells. Suddenly, there were hands on Tigress' arms and she was jerked backwards into a cell. "Hey!" She screamed, making Wally whirl around to see her shrouded in shadow, being pinned against her father with a sword to her throat.

"You traitorous little b****!" Her father yelled, cutting into her neck. "You f***ing little sh**! How DARE you?! HOW. F***ING. DARE. YOU?!" The sword was pressed farther down.

Artemis was gasping for air that was getting harder and harder for her to get as the sword was pushed farther into her throat, which was starting to fill with blood, choking her. She tried to speak but failed, instead coughing up blood.

Which turned into a hacking cough. Blood, lots of blood came out. She gasped for breath, drowning in her own blood. Wally desperately tried to figure out a way to get her to safety. It almost killed him to realize that there wasn't a way.

He watched in horror as Artemis' father dumped her to the floor and literally stabbed her in the back. The man looked at him. "Too bad. She was such a good fighter. But hey, a traitor always has to pay for her crimes." He kicked his daughter in the gut and walked away. He shoved past Wally, walking down the hall. Wally briefly considered going after him, but decided against it.

He ran over to Artemis, trying to help her. Batman and the Flash came in. They must've gone looking for them. Flash took one look at Artemis' condition, scooped her up, and ran off.

The team and League went over the mission like nothing bad had happened. Wally's foot was jackhammering, nervous for the girl that he had developed a crush on. After they were done, they left. After arriving back to the cave, Batman asked him if he wanted to go see Artemis in the hospital. She was stable now, Barry had gotten her to Royal Memorial in time.

Wally sped to the Zeta tubes and then to the hospital in his civvies. He slowed down and quick walked to the front desk to find out her room number. When he got to the room, she was still out and Green Arrow was sitting in a chair near her, also in civvies. He had taken over from Barry, claiming to the doctors that he was Artemis' uncle.

"Hey, Wally," He said.

"Hey, Ollie. How is she?"

"She'll be fine. We weren't sure for a while though. She's only been stable for a few minutes."

"At least she'll be ok."


After a couple of days, Artemis finally woke up, safe and sound. She and Wally started bonding even more, until they knew just about everything about each other. When Artemis was finally released after two and a half weeks, it didn't take long for the two to start dating. And everyone had to admit that they made a cute couple. Even Oliver, who had also quickly bonded with the girl, and become fiercely protective of her. All was well.

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