Chapter Eleven

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Wally woke up curled on a cold surface. He looked around weakly, and saw that he was lying on a concrete floor. Artemis was curled up in another corner, shackled to the wall. Wally immediately moved to her, expecting chains to stop him. But he moved forward. He realized in surprise that he wasn't chained, just in an inhibitor collar.

He leaned over her, setting a hand on her shoulder. He gently shook her. She opened her eyes and looked around. "How long have we been here?" Artemis asked, her voice scratchy.

"I don't know. I just woke up. Where are we?"

"On an island base in the Caribbean. Similar to Infinity Island. But that's not where we are."

"How do you know this?"

"I was taught. And you shouldn't be here! Why did they bring you?!"

"Blackmail against the League."

"That makes sense."

The door swung open and Sportsmaster walked in. He unlocked Artemis' shackles, grabbed her by the arms, and pulled her up. "You're coming with me."

Artemis struggled to get away, but couldn't. Wally grabbed her and tried to pull her out of her father's grip. The blond man simply kicked him to the ground. "Nice try, kid. But your little girlfriend is coming with me. I need to have a little talk with her. See what her punishment should be."

"Leave her alone! She's your daughter! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!"

"Honestly? No. Not at all. Oh wait, now that I think about it, it does. It means that this little b**** ruined my rep! I'm a Shadow, my wife is a Shadow, and my oldest daughter is a Shadow! She-" He started violently shaking Artemis. "Is a f***ing traitor! She ruined my rep, her mother's rep, and her sister's. And Ra's al Ghul's even, as he trusted her enough to allow her to become a Shadow so young. That was clearly a mistake!" He slapped his daughter in the face. He dragged her, kicking and screaming, out of the cell with him, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Oh, Lover Boy," He said, turning around. "Your turn won't be for another few hours. And no need to worry about your girl yet, all we do today is decide the proper punishment! We won't kill her! At least, not for the next few hours! If we do, we'll give you a heads up!"

"Burn in hell! Wally sneered.

The man laughed. "I've heard worse, little boy."

He kicked Wally in the face, smirking in satisfaction when the redhead crumpled to the floor, unconscious, and when he heard his daughter scream, "Wally!"

"Hey, now, Baby Girl, he's alright for now. You should be worrying about yourself. Now, c'mon, let's get going!" He shoved her forward, no doubt taking her to some torture chamber

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