Chapter Thirteen

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-Between Chapter Eleven and Chapter Twelve-

Artemis was flung to the ground. She looked up at her dad, who sneered at her. He wasn't wearing a mask, she noticed.

"Take off your shirt. Now."

Artemis slipped it off, knowing a torture session was about to begin.

"Come here."

Artemis obeyed and her father unhooked her bra, dropping it to the floor. Artemis instinctively crossed her arms over her chest. Her father yanked them down and slammed her to the floor again. She crossed her arms once more, feeling far too uncomfortable.

Sportsmaster rolled his eyes. "You want to cross your arms? Fine." He grabbed a chain, using it to bind Artemis' arms to her bare chest. He gripped the trailing end of the train, attaching it to a hook that he had yanked down from the ceiling. He grabbed a whip and hit the girl's stomach. "Ok, Baby Girl, let's start easy. Where's the brats's base?"

"I'm not telling you!"

He whipped her a few more times. "What about now?"

Artemis didn't respond.

Sportsmaster growled and pulled out a knife, stabbing it into her gut. "Where. Is. The. Brats's. Base?"

Artemis coughed up blood. "I'll never tell." She growled back.

"Come on, Baby Girl. You can't run away from who you are. And this isn't you."

"You don't know anything about me."

Sportsmaster sighed. "Apparently not."

He grabbed her and yanked her across the room, down the rail that the hook was attached to. Her head rammed into a cold porcelain sink. Once her head went in, it hovered a few inches over the bottom of the sink and the sink was a little past her shoulders.

Sportsmaster turned on the faucet, filling the sink with water. When the freezing water reached her mouth, she took a deep breath, holding it. The water filled the sink. Artemis thrashed, trying to get out before she ran out of breath. Just as the edges of her vision was starting to go black and her lungs felt like they were about to explode, she was yanked back out of the water. She gasped for air. She only managed to take one breath before she was back under. She trashed again, getting desperate. When she was yanked back up, she managed gasp and hold it before being plunged back under again.

He yanked her back up a third time. "Ready to tell me now?"

Artemis shook her head. She was numb and her teeth were chattering. Her dad released her back into the water, leaving her barely enough time to take a breath. This went on for half an hour until Sportsmaster got bored, and took her out of the sink and letting her off of the hook- literally. She hit the floor with a painful thud. She was freezing. Sportsmaster tied her to a chair and grabbed a sharp piece of metal hanging from the ceiling by a string. He pulled it back and released it. It gained momentum with each swing.

"You have about twenty seconds before it hits you. Tell me where the godd*** base is!"

"I'd sooner die!" The metal hit her forehead, slicing her skin. Blood ran into her eyes. She didn't flinch. "You'll have to do better than this!"

Sportsmaster smirked. "Your wish is my command." He punched her in the face and she blacked out.


Wally was dragged into the torture chamber. Icicle Sr. shoved him and he hit the floor, hard.

Wally looked around. There was Sportsmaster, cracking his knuckles. He looked around for Artemis. He found her curled up in the corner, blood around her with her back to him. She appeared to be unconscious. Her back was bare, and the top half was red and chaffed with what looked like chain marks. So were her upper arms. Wally was outraged. "What the h*** did you do to her?!"

"I just tortured her a little." Sportsmaster replied nonchalantly.

"Put her shirt back on!"

"Fine." Sportsmaster walked over to his youngest daughter. He picked her green tank top off the floor and put it on her. Wally was mad for a split second that he didn't put her bra back on her, then realized that it was built into the top.

"Her jacket, too."

The blond man rolled his eyes, but put it on her. "Happy?" Icicle Sr. left and Sportsmaster grabbed Wally, tying him upside down. "Your girlfriend said that she needed a bit more motivation. Time to give it to her." He poured a bucket of water on Artemis, who jerked awake. "Glad to see you awake, Baby Girl. I got you some motivation." He whipped Wally, who cried out.

"KF!" Artemis screamed, remembering not to use his secret ID.

"I'm ok, Arty. I promise," Wally said through gritted teeth.

Sportsmaster smirked. "You won't be able to keep that promise for long." He started whipping Wally again.

"Stop!" Artemis screamed. "Stop! Daddy, stop it! Please!"

"I'll stop when you tell me where they're little base is." He continued whipping Wally. A few minutes later, when he still didn't have an answer a few minutes later, he stabbed him in the gut.

"KF!" Artemis screamed. "Ok, ok, I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

"Arty no!"

"Arty yes." Sportsmaster trailed the knife down Wally's chest.

"It's in California! Burbank, California! An old, abandoned looking building!"

Sportsmaster grinned. "Good girl." He knocked Wally out with a punch and quickly stabbed Artemis in the gut again, kicking her to the floor. She curled up, her back to him, and faded in and out of consciousness.

And that, my friends, leads us to the start of the previous chapter.

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