Chapter Eighteen

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(Artemis' outfit. Ignore the nice room)

Sunlight streamed through the blinds into Artemis' room, covering the beds with golden stripes.

"Artemis, wake up! It's ten in the morning, I'd let you sleep, but we're on a time limit." A sweet voice called, the sound of laughter obvious.

Artemis stirred and sat up. She stretched and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She tried to recognize the voice, but it took a few seconds. She slipped out of bed, and got dressed, pulling her hair into her signature ponytail.

She walked to the kitchen and yawned. "Still tired?" Her mom asked. Artemis just nodded. "Well, I'm sure Starbucks will fix that." Artemis perked up. She loved Starbucks, but rarely got to go. Too expensive. But Ollie has given her mom some money to take Artemis for a fun day.

"Seriously?" The blonde asked, grinning ear to ear.


They got to Starbucks later, munching on scones and drinking elaborate coffee drinks. They talked, trying to get to know each other.

"Favorite color?" Paula asked.

"Green. You?"


"Like bright orange or sunset orange?"

"Any orange."

Artemis smiled at her. "Hmm... favorite book?"

"A Tale of Two Cities."

"Oh, I like that one! Mine's The Hunger Games."

"I haven't read that."

"Seriously?! You have to!"

Paula laughed at her daughter's outburst. "Favorite thing to do?"

"Honestly? Work out, then watch TV while stuffing my face with chocolate drizzled kettle corn. That was not something Dad knew that I do."

"I like to go somewhere quiet and just read and think. I also love to write."

"You do?" Artemis asked in surprise.

"Yep. I'm not very good, though."

"Can I see?"

Paula reluctantly pulled out a journal and handed it to her daughter. Artemis opened it and started to read it. She finished the first chapter, then remembered that they had stuff to do, and tore her eyes away.

"What do you mean, you're not very good? That was great!"

Paula's face reddened. "Thanks."

Artemis' phone rang. She answered it, hanging up a minute later with an "I love you, too." She looked at her mom. "I'm eating dinner with Wally's family, if that's alright."

"It's fine." The two women left the café, heading towards the other end of the mall. They shopped. "Tell me about this boyfriend of yours," Paula said as they looked through a rack of clothes that was on clearance.

"Oh, Wally? He's great. He's really sweet, and funny. He's really smart, but acts like an idiot. He wants to be a college physics professor when he grows up."

"Speaking of which, what do you want to do? Do you know?"

"I want to be a college professor, too, but I don't know if I'll teach human biology or comparative literature. I love them both."

"That's great! I'm glad that you have goals like that. It was never an option for me, I never finished high school."

"Better than Jade. She didn't even go."


The two picked out a few outfits, and then went to a jewelry store. Artemis had only been in one a few times, and one of those times it was to rob it. She whistled when she walked in. "Wowie."

Her mother laughed, and the two went separate ways. Paula found a pair of earrings. They were teardrop shaped, silver with emeralds. "Artemis!" She called.

 "Artemis!" She called

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Her daughter ran over. "What, Mom?"

Paula showed her daughter the earrings. Artemis' eyes widened and she gasped, taking them. "I love them," She whispered.

"I knew that you would."

They paid for them and left, going to get lunch. Then they shopped some more and then went home. Artemis got ready for Wally's. She stayed in the same outfit, just showered and brushed her hair and teeth.

Wally picked her up and they headed to his house.

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