Chapter Nineteen

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"This was really good, Mary. Thank you," Artemis said, getting up.

"No problem, Artemis. And thank you."

Artemis nodded. Then her phone rang. She picked it up. She talked for a minute and then the call ended.

"Batsy just called. He wants me and Wally to go to the cave. Something important."

"Got it," Wally said. "Excuse us."

"Of course," Rudy said.

Artemis and Wally walked to the Zeta, hand in hand. "What do you think Bats wants to talk about?" Artemis asked.

"Honestly? I have no idea," Wally replied.

Not long later, the two were sitting at a table across from Batman. "So, Artemis, you helped us bust a large crime. I have yet to reward you. So, I'm giving you 10 grand. I feel that you and your mother could use the money. I also have a nice apartment temporarily waiting for you until it's time to move into your new house in two weeks."

"New house?"

"I can't have you living in that sh***y dump."

Artemis grinned. "Sweet."

"I also would like to know if you would like to join the Team."

"Hold up. Come again?"

"I asked if you would like to join the Team, Miss Crock."


"Do I look like I'm serious?"

"Yes. Ohmigod! Of course I would! More than anything!"

A flicker of a smile crossed Batman's face. "Then it's settled. You are officially a member of the Justice League's covert operation team as of tomorrow. You and Wally are dismissed. I would suggest that you start packing."

The two teens left the room and walked towards Artemis'.

"Oh my god. I cannot believe that this is happening!" Artemis said excitedly.

"Well, believe it," Wally said.

The two got to her room and Artemis pulled out a suitcase and the some of the stuff out of her dresser.

"Want help packing?" Wally asked.

"No, I've got it."

"You sure?"

"Yep." Artemis put a folded up outfit into her suitcase.

"See you later then, Babe." Wally said, leaning in and kissing her. "I love you," He said, pulling away.

"I love you, too." Their lips were together again and the rest of the world faded away until it was just Artemis Crock and Wally West, consumed in an unspeakably amazing kiss.

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