Chapter 9

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Adrienne's point of view

She looked at me shocked, and then left. I called after her, but she just kept walking. I didn't feel bad for her. She deserved to know. Rhys appeared and broke my train of thoughts. "Hey," I said to him.

He looked at me suspiciously, and said. "What did you just do?"

"Nothing. I didn't do anything." He looked at me suspiciously, then his suspicion turned to worry. He came to my side and helped me back to the dorms.

I couldn't sleep. I kept feeling guilt. I shouldn't feel guilty. She deserved to know. "Maybe you should've said it differently," a voice in my head said. Maybe I should've. I looked back at Raven's bed. It was empty. I looked at Eric's bed half expecting him to not be there. He was. He was asleep. I looked back at Four's bed and found him missing. A small smile crept in. She really was her father's daughter.

We started the second stage of initiation. I couldn't help but smile every time I caught Eric staring at Raven. "Don't do it," the voice in my head warned. I didn't. Not yet. One after the other initiates went in. I was sitting next to Eric. Fighting a battle with myself, and eventually I gave in. I waited for Raven to go in. Then I noticed that there were people following her. Members. They followed her in, after whispering something to Amar. Not now. I brushed it off, and looked back at Eric. It was time.

"So, I was wondering are you and Raven together?" I asked startling him.

He looked at me almost blushing, and said. "I guess. I don't know." He looked away clearly able to tell I could see him blushing. "Don't do it. She's your sister," the voice in my head warned again. I ignored it.

"Good, because if you guys were together then I would've had to tell you what I saw last night. But since you aren't I guess I don't have to."

He looked at me, no longer blushing, and said. "What did you see? Tell me."

I opened my mouth when a scream shot through the room. I looked around, looking for the source. Only, it didn't come from anyone. It was coming from the room. It was coming from Raven. It was loud, and awful. It sounded like she was being tortured. It lasted for a few minutes, but it felt like hours. Suddenly it stopped. Then the room went into silence. Everyone too scared that she might scream again. After a while, the room went back to the way it was a few minutes ago. Four was intently watching the door. Eric was watching him.

"Last night, Raven wasn't in bed. Neither was Four. That seems to happen a lot lately. If I didn't know any better, I would have guessed those two were together." He looked at me with jealousy and anger in his eyes. He then looked back at Four. Rhys was sitting far away, but he looked at me with warning in his eyes. I shrugged and gave him a devious smile. Raven might be my sister, but that didn't mean I had to like her.

We were interrupted by the door opening. The group of people left. Raven was among them. She was surounded by people. She blended in with them. Then I saw it. Her leg. No one seemed to notice but me. I ran after them and quickly wiped the blood drops off the floor.

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