Chapter 4

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Catherine's point of view

Pretty soon everyone jumped off the train. I followed the Dauntless born and did everything they did exactly. Soon enough we were standing on a roof top. Amar started talking. My mind wandered off, and I began wondering what was over the edge. I got closer and saw that it was a hole. "I bet that's what Amar is talking about," I said to myself.

Then someone jumped, and everyone started lining up. I was about to just jump when a hand grabbed me. I looked back and saw Tobias. We stood there in silence for I don't know how long. Then I heard someone call out, "Hey, Raven." I don't know why, but I felt like that was directed to me. It took me a moment to realise Amar was calling me. I stood by the edge, and asked him. "Raven?"

"It fits you." I smiled. I inhaled, closed my eyes, and jumped.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the middle of a net. I exhaled. Soon an arm helped me down. I got down, and the Dauntless saw me. I never get used to people's reaction to first seeing me. The girl who helped me down said "wow," under her breath. A part of me couldn't handle it. The attention. I slowly headed towards a wall. I wanted to disappear. Out of instinct, my eyes searched for Tobias.

I couldn't find him. So instead I searched for air. I felt like the whole room was getting smaller, so I just slipped into the nearest hallway. Air slowly came back to my lungs as I turned corner after corner. Soon enough I was lost. "Good job, Catherine. If they catch you, you're factionless," I scolded myself. Soon enough, I found a room. I inhaled. "Amar will understand. Tobias will defend me," I said to myself before going in.

It was a tattoo shop. I think. I had never seen one before. "Who are you?" A woman asked when she saw me. "Sorry, I got lost," I said my eyes never leaving the ground.

"You're a transfer. Amar will be angry when he hears that you wandered off," she said with a smile.

"Sorry. I just couldn't breathe. I needed air, and when I left, I got lost."

"Look at the person you're talking to. Look at me."

With what little courage in me, I looked her in the eyes. She was old, and had lots of tattoos and colours in her hair. "Are you with the other Stiff?" She asked me.

It took me a while to realise that she was talking about Tobias. "He's my friend."

She loooked at me closer. Staring. "I'm Tori. What's your name?"

I was about say Catherine, but that didn't feel right anymore. "Raven. My name is Raven."

She smiled and said, "it fits you."

Then someone showed up behind me. Amar. "I was starting to wonder where you are. All the other transfers went through their fear landscapes." I was about to apologise when Tori started talking. "It's my fault. I was talking to her," she said. Her eyes never looking away.

"Good enough for me. Raven could you please go out in the hall for a second, I need to talk to Tori. Then we'll take you back to the other transfers." I said nothing and just left.

When I left, I heard him ask her. "Did you see it too?"

She replied, "yeah. It's absolutely amazing." Then they started whispering.

Minutes later, they both came out. Without saying anything, they just headed down the halls. I followed.

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