Chapter 13 (2 POVs)

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POV1: Adrienne's point of view

That night, we sneaked out. Before leaving we grabbed as many weapons that we could carry. Then we found ourselves on the train. I breathed. I couldn't get scared. I had to do this. I had to save her. I kept telling myself that she was safe. That nothing could break her. I wished I believed it.

Rhys was an Erudite transfer. So, he knew his way around the place. "I overheard my dad say once, that they kept the prisoners in the lower levels." We didn't run into any guards. We stole some clothes, so we wouldn't get noticed. Our weapons close, we headed to the lower levels. "Please Catherine. Please be there."

Once we got there, we searched every cell. Nothing. They were empty. Rhys ran my way. "I didn't find her. You?"

"Nothing. Where could she be?"

"Johnathan's lab is on the top level, maybe she's there." I didn't say anything. I just gestured for him to lead the way. She better be there.

Once we got closer we saw more movement. Guards. "Guards? There shouldn't be any guards here."

"Look at there clothes. They're Dauntless."

"Dauntless? Why are the Dauntless here?"

"I don't know, but we must be getting close." We slipped by the guards and sneaked into the level. We ran past the lab and found a hallway. "This shouldn't be here."

We ran down the hall, and found a rusty old metal door. I looked at him and said, "She's got to be in there."

"Whatever happens, I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too." I kissed him as quickly and passionately as I could before opening the door.



POV2: Cate's point of view

How is it possible to be in pain but not feel it? How is it possible to be dead yet alive at the same time? How can you bleed and not feel it? How come I'm alive but don't want to be? When will I finally die?

When I was about 11, I snuck out of my house and met Tobias in a field. It was far away, near the amity. We didn't care. it was his birthday, and I wanted to make him feel better. We laid in the field among the flowers. It was almost dawn. I wanted to show him the sunrise. There he took my hand. I squeezed it. Our way of saying, "I'll always be here." He started crying. I sat up and hugged him. I whispered into his ear, "I know. I know. It's okay." It was how we were. We held each other when we needed it. We cried on the other's shoulder as we told each other what went wrong. Although it was usually him who needed it. That was how we did things. We were brought together by our pain. To each other, we were comfort. I rarely needed him, but when I did it was usually a lot. He was the one who'd take the knife away. He was the one who'd comfort me and tell me that one day my pain'd stop. It never did. But I still liked hearing it. I liked the confidence in his voice. Like he'd make sure that it went away. I needed that confidence now. That comfort. Him.

Johnathan stood watching as I coughed out blood. My ribs were broken, so they hurt when I breathed. My head swollen, and bleeding. My left arm broken, with a nasty scar from where the bone once came out. My legs filled with scars, all bleeding. My nose broken. Eyes swollen. Johnathan enjoyed studying me after my "sessions", that was what he called torture. Sessions. He kept saying how I was so unique. "Are you enjoying this?" I asked.

He looked up from his journal and took off his glasses. "Contrary to what your mother has led you to believe, I am not. I do not enjoy torturing my own grandchild."

I hated that word. Then, I saw Adrienne.

She and Rhys stormed in. I watched as complete shock covered Adrienne's face. I haven't seen myself. I assumed I looked horrible, covered in blood and all. I laughed. Of all the people that I thought would come to my rescue, Adrienne was not one of them. "Raven?" Rhys asked in complete shock. I smiled. I remembered Johnathan's words. "You really are a Raven. A pretender."

"I believe introductions are in order. Johnathan, these are Adrienne and Rhys, my sister and her boyfriend. Adrienne, Rhys, this is Johnathan, leader of the Erudite and my grandfather." All three looked at me in complete shock. Then, Jeanine walked in.

"Hello everyone. Fitting that you're all here. It just makes things easier."

"Jeanine, what are you doing here?" Johnathan asked, his voice filled with confusion. She didn't seem to hear him. She just stared at Adrienne and Rhys.

"You two will be collateral damage." She said as she stepped aside. Then Max, a dauntless leader, stepped in. He pulled out his gun and shot Adrienne and Rhys in the head. I stared at their life less bodies. "What are you doing Jeanine?" Johnathan asked.

"I, father, am doing what needs to be done." On queue, Max shot Johnathan in the head. Then, he aimed it towards me.

"You, Catherine, are a baffling case. I couldn't believe it when I heard about you. Such a strong Divergent. It's a shame really. That you have to die. I told Father that studying your brain would be more effective than torturing you. He wouldn't listen. I told him there was a logical, scientific reason to your Divergence, but he wouldn't listen. I was so hoping to take a peak at it before he got to you. Anyway, now you're too injured. You're of no use to me in this condition. Don't worry, I will find someone like you. As strong as you. One day. I give you my word that they be treated better than you were."

With every ounce of strength in me, I said. "She will make sure you die." Then, my reminders played. Only this time, they spoke the truth. I am strong. I am smart. I am selfless. I am brave.

I am honest. I am beautiful, on the inside and out. I deserve happiness. I am good. I am Divergent.

Then a gun went off. Finally my pain stopped.


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