Chapter 10

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Raven's point of view

I was getting weaker and weaker as the guards took me to a van. I had no more strength in me as my leg bled more and more. They threw me into the back and then shut the doors. My head was spinning. My eyes tried to adjust to the darkness but failed. I ripped my right sleeve and tried to tie it on my wound. I failed. I sat myself against the cold wall. My mind reeling back to what had just happened. They betrayed me. I trusted him with my secret and he betrayed me.

The van came to a halt. I heard footsteps. Then the doors opened and sunlight hit me. I looked down at my leg. All I saw was blood. Then a guard threw a bag over my head. I could barely see. Another guard pulled me out of the van. My legs fell once they hit the ground. The guards pulled me up. We walked for a few minutes then headed indoors. When we were inside we stopped. I heard another pair of footsteps this time belonging to a woman. She stopped shortly after arriving then she stepped closer. "What? Why is she bleeding? We asked for her unharmed."

The guard to my right replied, "she wouldn't come on her own. She stabbed Amar." A proud smile crossed my lips.

"Well, this is going to set back our plans," she sighed. "Come on, follow me." We did. We walked for a few minutes before coming to a halt. The we stepped inside a room. Then I realized it was an elevator. Everyone was silent. The only sound was blood drops hitting the floor. From my leg, I assumed. My head felt light and then I was swimming in darkness.

I woke up in another dark room. Though a little light came from under the door. From a hallway, I assumed. I looked down at my leg and saw that it was bandaged. I looked around the small room. At a far corner, I found food. I crawled there almost forgetting my leg was healed. The food was like the food I had at Abnegation. A plain chicken breast, green peas, and a piece of brown bread. I slowly ate almost unable. I hadn't realized how used I was to the Dauntless food. I laughed imagining Zeke's witty remarks on breakfast. Then the door opened and a bright light flooded the room. I saw a figure standing there. A man stood there. Then I was swimming in darkness.

I saw light. I slowly opened my eyes. It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. The cold table I was laying on overpowered me. I was weak. I find whatever strength in me to sit up. I look around the room, but don't find much. Then the door opens. The man I saw before appears. Only this time do I really see him. He was old. He had white hair, wrinkles, and tired eyes behind his spectacles. He oddly looked familiar. "Who are you?" I asked. He looked at me, amused. "My name is Johnathan." I gasped. It couldn't be.

I stared at him. Soaking in the resemblance. I stared at the man that my mother feared. I stared at the man who gave her nightmares. I stared at the man who I was raised to fear. I laughed. I didn't know why. I laughed. Here he was. The man that my mother feared so much that she left the Erudite because of him. The man that she raised me to fear. My grandfather.

He stepped closer. Then a woman stepped in. I didn't need to be told who she was. Her appearance gave it away. I smiled and said. "Aunt Jeanine I presume?" She gives me a smug smile which I return. Here I was in front of my grandfather and aunt. I had a bad feeling that they weren't here for a reunion. Aunt Jeanine joins Grandfather. "We know what you are Catherine. I must say it was rather foolish of you to join Dauntless. Abigail would've protected you," he said with a smug smile. I winced at the mention of mother's name.

"What do you want with me?"

"We want to know what makes you so different. What makes you so special. We're willing to use any means necessary." As if he had given some code. Two men walked in. Only they weren't Erudite. They were Dauntless. They grabbed me and pinned me to the table. As they tied me down, I closed my eyes and prepared mentally for the worst. Then a memory popped into my head. A memory of one of the few times Mother had opened up to me about her family. She said, "Father and sister took their need for knowledge too far. She might have been younger than me, but she seemed older. Father poisoned her, and so I ran. They are bad people Catherine. You better pray that you never meet either of them, because if you do, you won't make it out alive." I knew that was going to come would be worst than death.

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