Future Into Past

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Maeve dress


The sound of rain on glass, the picture of a storm cloud swirling, the wind blowing, covers over equipment flying like plastic bags in an abandoned Walmart parking lot. The footsteps of a very nervous boy coming behind a very tall and gruff looking man.

"Hello Lieutenant Maxwell, are you just going to stand there or tell me what the reports say." The boy jumped out of his skin.

" Ummm," he flipped through the pages "The next storm is about 2300 hours, sir"

"Perfect, the helicopters ready, we leave at 2200." The gruff man put his arms behind his back.
"Sir, their is something else you should know, sir,"

"And what's that Lieutenant?"

"Navy Seal Lin Rose Winters was reported in the loss of Flight 223, along with her younger sister."

" Great, we'll have forces already there, well have inside information."

"What about the others on the flight, sir? What about Maeve Winters?"

"If they survived, We'll train them, we need as many reinforcements as we can get."

"What, if they don't comply sir?" The gruff man turned around and bent his face to the Lieutenant.

"If they don't comply, Lieutenant, then we will eradicate them, WE CANNOT FAIL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, LIEUTENANT!" The Lieutenant whispered a confirmation.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" The man yelled


"NOW GO!" the Lieutenant turned and quickly walked away, and into the sea of rushing men, about to embark on a journey back in time.


Maeve was gone, her usual disappearance between 5 & 6pm, along with Lin.

Valeria was sitting next to Hviserk, both giggling like school girls about their friend, Maeve, and the plan to capture Ivar's attention. Then Ubbe and Sigurd laughed at something else, Margret feeding Ivar berries. Valeria's smile dropped and Hviserk nudged her shoulder, as if to say everything would be fine.

"What are you laughing at? Hmm? She's my special servant now. And she has a lot of reasons to be grateful to me."

"I'm not sure I believe you, little brother." Ubbe looked at him with squinted eyes.

"And I'm sure you're jealous." Ivar said, pretending that he had "rocked her world" as Maeve would say. He only felt a little stupid.

"You cannot keep a slave to yourself. No, not like that." Hviserk shook his head, how unfair to Margaret, Valeria continued to eat.

"Mother, tell them to stop tormenting me." Ivar made a baby like voice to his mother.

"It makes me so happy you are with a woman." Asluag said without actual happiness "The rest of you should already be married. Ubbe, you should have children." She was disappointed he was not taking a liking to the woman she wanted like she had hoped.

"I probably already have." Ubbe throw a little ball of bread at his mother jokingly.

"Just because you are the sons of a king does not mean you can be irresponsible.

It's important to find a woman and settle down."

"I thought I had found a woman. But now Ivar has taken her away from me." Sigurd pouted

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