The Birth of a Warrior

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*Panic Attack, Blood, and Violence Warning*

*two months later*

"UUUUAGHH" Asluag screamed through the halls. Maeve woke up in a flash, already drenched in sweat.

Every night had been worse than the other, aches and pains, her feet swell as she tried to run. But whatever Asluag was experiencing was more important.

Maeve grabbed her pistol, incase Asluag was being attacked, she was the Queen, now almost alone in her rule. two out of four sons gone, and no husband to back her.

Maeve closed around the corner, seeing that the queen was rocking in pain.

"Aslaug!" Maeve put her head in her lap. "What's wrong?" thinking if she knew what was wrong maybe she could fix it.

"Ivar! He is dead."

"Asluag you don't know that!"

"Yes I saw it in a vision."

"It's probably just a bad dream. Aslaug."


the room got quiet, as Asluag.

Asluag sat up and looked at Maeve. Her eyebrows scrunched.

"What is on your gown?" pointing to her chest.

"What?" looking down to see wetness around her breast, seeming like it had come from her nipples.

Asluag grabbed her breast and squeezed. Maeve startled by this action was taken back.

"Hey! That hurts" Asluag had a huge smile on her face. Seeing as the action had made Maeve's shirt even wetter.

"Come close, Now." Maeve scooted closer out of sheer fear of the madwoman. Asluag put a hand on her stomach, pleased at whatever she found.

"Your womb is full!"

"What?" Maeve said, understand each word she said, just separately.

"You are with child!"

"No, I'm not," she said in an immediate response. "I can't be"

"I assure you, you are!"

"I've only ever had sex, like, twice!" she scoffed

"It only takes once." Asluag smiled "With whom?"

"Ivar..." beginning to question what had happened, how long ago, missed periods she didn't realize went by. The sudden want for legs of chicken, a hamburger she couldn't have, peeing a little every time she sneezed. The sudden urges to puke every time she smelled like fish, or when she saw Sigurd smile "sexy" at a girl. Okay, maybe one of those was extreme, she never liked fish that much before anyway.

"We must tell my sons in the morning!" she said excitedly "So much is unknown, but great things to come." Asluag looked into the fire, seeing two new flames dance. "Great indeed."


Maeve thought about what her sister would think, yes she was in a different time when this was completely acceptable, but her sister was not like that. she would be ashamed.

She approached Margaret's maids quarters and knocked.

"Hello," Margaret said in Old Norse.

"It's me, can I come in?"

Margaret opened the door "Maeve," she looked at her friend "You look unwell."

Maeve walked in. Her hands sweaty, rubbing them together, biting her lips, her breath heavy. she started to hyperventilate, she fell to the floor. She curled into a ball with her hands on her head. Her lips and her fingertips went numb as she went into a deep sob. She felt like she couldn't breathe.

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