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"Why isn't he awake yet?'

I don't know why just give it some time maybe-"

"It's been three hours!"

I heard them argue, my head felt heavy, what are these voices? Where are they coming from?

I tried opening my eyes and I was met with darkness. Where was I?

"his awake," a high pitched voice said.

There was the sound of feet coming towards me. My eyes began adjusting.

"Are you okay?"Caleb asked.

No, I'm not okay, it wasn't a dream, I really am in hell!

My brain screamed out. "Yeah," I managed to say, "What happened?"

"They drugged us and left us here, my guess is that they didn't want to take chances while transporting." A deep rumbling voice said, Noah.

I sat up and that's when I noticed that I was laying on a bed. I realized that this was it, this was the cabin.

A loud bang and the sound of footsteps was heard. The others ran towards The person, completely forgetting about me.

"What did you find?" Noah asked the newcomer.

"From what I've gathered, there are no windows and no other door, this place looks like it was once an office of some sort but I can't be sure."

"what about food?" the high pitched voice said.

"No food but I did find a fuel tank of, and you won't believe this but, cooking oil."

There was silence, I could sense that everyone had the same thought in mind. With no food how will we ever survive?

"I'm scared of the dark," The high pitched voice said.

I held out my hand in the darkness, I knew she saw it because in less than a second later it was filled with a small hand.

I guided her towards the bed and made her sit.

In the darkness, I could see the outline of her face. her mouth was quivering slightly.

"Hey, I was also afraid of the dark once, its nothing to be scared of, what's your name?"

"S Sarah"

"Well then Sarah I think I can make the darkness go away, do you want me to?"

I saw her nod in the darkness

I turned my head towards the rest of them.

"You said that there was some cooking oil here ?"

"yyyes," The boy stammered.

"And, if this was once an office then I'm sure there are some papers and some mugs somewhere?"

"Tonnes of them back there," He pointed at the back.

"So can you get me some, perhaps three or four mugs filled with cooking oil and some papers?"

"Are you mad this isn't the time for crafts Adam, we need to have a plan!" Noah half screamed. He clearly wasn't pleased.

"Hey it's okay Noah ill get it for him, you promised me you'll behave." The boy interrupted, laying his hand on Noah's arm giving it a tight squeeze, I heard a sigh from Noah the boy let out a small chuckle.

I sat with Sarah on the bed while the others helped get what I had asked for.

I knew I was pushing my luck with them, they were all a bunch of scared teens. But I wasn't scared I was numb.

Maybe I was too calm? Should I be like them, worried about what might happen next, what will happen when the dawn breaks and we'll have to face the struggles of a new day?

When I was six years old I'd always follow Shawn around. he was ten and very popular, everyone liked him even old miss Marvis, the towns grump. I wanted to be him. He had a lot of friends who looked up to him, I'd always follow him like a shadow when he go around the shelters to get anything for food. 

"Here they are!" The boy called out with a tome of satisfaction.

I thanked him and turned towards Sarah.

"I told you I can make the darkness go away, so do you wanna help?"

She nodded.

"Okay then I want you to, take a big piece of paper and fold it into a rectangle like this," I showed her how to make the rectangle and she nodded in understanding, "Then you'll need to cut a hole in the middle and place a small long paper in the middle like this and place it in the mug. Can you make them for every mug Sarah?"

I asked. She did a little happy shriek and began to fold the papers.

Within a few minutes, she was done and everyone was looking at her.

"I'm done What next?" She asked sounding so excited, I smiled, it reminded me of Tommy.

"Now, I'll make the darkness go away with this." I held up a knife in my hand.

The one thing that I was glad The guards didn't notice I had, or they just didn't bother looking at all.

I scratched it against the wall trying to create friction. There were sparks now forming, I placed a paper near them and it caught fire.

I placed it slowly on the tip of the papers I told Sarah to make. They lit up one by one bringing light to the place.

"I told you id make the darkness go away."

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now