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The last time I was in chains I thought that I was going to die.
This time I was sure of it.

The chain was tugging on the soft flesh of my hands.

I sat on a chair,my hands chained behind my back, and all I could see was darkness,  All I could hear were the sounds of my breath and beating heart.

I still had the bag on my face but that didn't stop my mind
It was a whirlwind of thoughts, from my inevitable death to grey eyes knowing me.

Take him, he knew the girl so he might now something.

The words kept repeating themselves,  what did grey eyes mean? What did Beatrice get herself into.

I dreaded the thought of Beatrice, Tommy or Shawn being in trouble.

They must think I'm dead right now

I thought to myself. God! When did my life become such a mess, why couldn't things stay normal. I'm cursed that's it, I'm cursed.

Sarah must be worried about me,  who will she sleep with when she has nighmares? I'm sure Caleb would, and what about her hair? I always brushed it for her and put it into a braid, and...

I heard the sound of a door opening, footsteps echoed five,  five footsteps five people.

"well then, aren't you going to talk?" a voice said,  a voice I've now grown to hate.

His steps were loud, he walked towards me. I could feel him behind my back and sure enough his hot breath came in to contact with my left ear.

"she's dead you know, Beatrice, I loved the way she screamed when we burnt her alive."

I snapped. I tried to lunge foward but I was held back by the chains. Damn these chains!!!

Pure boiling anger surged within my veins, I want his head, I wanted to make him suffer the way he made her suffer.

I let out a loud growl that rippled through the place, " you bastered! You'll pay, I'll kill you! "

I tugged the chains but they were unyielding.
He laughed,  he just stood there and laughed.

The door opened again and the sound of new soft footsteps came.

"Dave, they are here. " the new intruder said.

Grey eyes gave out a small grunt of exasperation.

"fine tell them I'll be there."
He answered, " ruff him up a little bit and get him to talk, don't kill him."

He gave the orders and walked out of the room,

Pain ript through me as a hand collided with my face, I tasted blood, my own blood. Then another blow connected with my left side,  this time leaving me dazed and in pain.

Blow after blow each one more painful than the last.
I heard someone shout,  what do I know.

I know that I'm in pain!!

Another blow this time it was followed by the duscusting sound of a crack.

I houled in pain, it was too much,  I couldn't breath. My leg, my leg hurt so much.

I felt warm liquid flow through my leg and my face.

Was that water? Were they poaring warm water on me.

A metalic smell filled the air causing me to scrunch my nose only to feel a tugging ache.

My blood.

It was my blood that was stinking up. The place, it was my leg that made that awful crack. It was me,  but I couldn't think, I couldn't cry, I could only feel.

Feel the blows raining down on me over and over,  feel my nose ache with every punch,  feel the hot trobbing pain of my brocken leg,  feel, feel, feel pain all over.

They kept asking me questions, I couldn't even understand what they were saying, I was going in and out of focus.

I was begging for death,  a way to excape,  and then,  just as it started, it stopped.

The blows stopped. The shouting stopped. The pain didn't stop.

I was tired, I struggled to breathe ,with every breath I took was  filled with the smell of blood.

Footsteps again.
This time they were moving away, moving away from me, leaving me, the door opened and then shut.

I was alone again. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry. Oh how badly  I wanted to cry. But nothing came out. Nothing except a small grant of pain from me.

A hand came into contact with my arm, I winced and started panicking.

You idiot there were three footsteps,three! Ones still here!

I heard a small shushing noise coming from the person. I relaxed a little when I realised that the persons hand wasn't causing me harm but was reasuring, like how Beatrice did it.

For the longest moment we sat there quietly, me enjoying the blissful fealing of an aching, broken body, while the other held on to me.

I felt sleepy after a while. I could hardly keep my head up.

The bag on my head was removed. That's when I noticed I was in an empty room with the helpful stranger.

I couldn't see him, all I could see was the back of his hand as he held my arm for the last time.

A tattoo.

A cage, and flying birds. On his arm was a small but visible tattoo of a cage and birds who seemed to be flying away.

He let go of my arm and walked towards the large door.

And just like that I was alone, truly alone.

Beatrice is dead. My mind kept repeating it.

I pictured her, her memory fresh and gentle on my mind.

Tommy, Beatrice Shawn, Noah, Caleb, Sarah,Jacob, Seth.

Saying their names seemed to calm me down in some ways.  I felt my breathing slow down,  the pain lessen by just a fraction.

Mind over body. If I can convince myself that the physical pain isn't much then it would hurt less.

But what about the emotional pain, the pain of loosing everyone I have ever cared about.
What about it?
Will it ever end?

That I was uncertain of but, I was certain of one thing.

They want me alive.

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon