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I don't know him, the grey eyes, the raven black hair. He has the same hair as me, the same lips, same smile, a familiar stranger.

Dr. Chase gave me this picture. A picture of a perfect man, a selfish man, a murderer. He killed her. Behind that smile was a cold-hearted killer, my father.

Yet I feel nothing, I can neither hate him or love him.  He's a stranger, a story.

And I loathe this, not knowing, not feeling, just existing.

"Hey, you okay. " Dave said walking into the tent.
It's been a  few months since Dr. Chase released me back into the field.
Dave and I have been on the road with The rest of the guards. We've been to the mines, the valleys and now we're here the shelters. It's a filthy place, dirt stained tents, some houses were made from mud. It reeked of filth, disease, and poverty.

But I was comfortable, it was perfect. My favorite place was the forest. It gave me a sense of nostalgia.
The whispers of the wind as it ripples through the green leaves.
The songs of the birds that echoes through the noonday sky.

"Still awake? " Dave asked as he untied his combat boots and jumped into the bed beside me with a loud huff.

"Yeah, how was the patrol? "
I asked. I didn't care for it honestly but I knew that Dave loved doing what he does,  he's a soldier. And a damn good one at that.

"Nah it's okay,  we didn't find any rebels though but we did see...," He stopped and stared at my hand. Or at least what I healed in my hand. The picture.

"where did you get that? " He asked his voice trembling with each word. His eyes had already started to gloss over. Was he about to cry?

"Dr, Chase. " I said as I healed it out for him to take it.
His hands connected with mine as he took the picture and stared at it.

He let out a choked sound, I cringed, how could a small sound like that sound so broken.

I inched closer towards him,

"did you know him? " He whispered.

"He's my father, at least that's what I know."

He was pale. His eyes darted up from the picture and met mine.
His eyes were wide with shock.

"your father, no, no there has to be a mistake, you can't be alive because mum saw... God!" he shouted as he pulled his hair and paced around the tent, his long legs taking large strides back and forth.

"Why are you so upset Dave, did you know him. "

No answer, just him pacing around in his own world murmuring things underneath his breath

"No, If he's your father then you should be dead, I saw him.. he killed her and, and he... in the video you..."

"What are you talking about Dave, your not making sense, why am I supposed to be dead. "

He stopped and stared blankly at me, I wasn't curious now,  no I was boiling mad. 
He's keeping secrets from me

He just stared at me, like he was lost and didn't know anything to say.

"Forget it, it's nothing. "

"Forget?  Forget?  That's all I've been doing, forgetting everything, my past. I don't want to forget Dave,  I want the truth! " I couldn't contain the anger anymore, I was furious at him.

He took a step back and raised his hand up in an act of surrender.

"I'm sorry Adam but I -I-I can't say, it's not my story to tell, "
He whispered.

How dare he,  I took my jacket from where it laid on my bed and pushed passed him through the tent.

I was done,  I didn't want to see him, I couldn't see him right now.
He knew things and didn't want to tell me.

The sound of thunder roared through the sky and I felt the first golden drops of rainfall land on my body.

I shivered a bit when the soft drops landed on the nape of my neck.

It felt like welcoming an old friend. I felt the rage that was tearing inside of me slowly ebb away, a feeling of loneliness now taking its place.

The moon had already disappeared behind a blanket of dark clouds leaving everything in darkness.
The forest looked larger in the darkness, more, mysterious.
I slowly walked deeper into the forest,

He has no right, he has no right at all he...

My thoughts were brought to a standstill when I heard the sound of a branch cracking.

I stopped and looked around, there was nothing, everything was dark, no animal, nothing.

But I heard Something, was it, Dave?
No Dave hates the forest.


Another sound again but this time it was louder, closer. I slowly took out the gun in my jacket.

Dave always insisted on me carrying it despite me not knowing how to shoot.

But this person doesn't know that.

Another snap, then footsteps,  inching closer, they were faster, louder and then finally.


No snap, no footsteps no ruffling of leaves, just silence.
And a figure standing a few feet away from me.
Just staring at me.

I took a step back. He didn't move.

Don't be a coward Adam!!!

I wanted to run, but I couldn't, I was transfixed to the spot.

He inched closer, the gun fell from my hand. I felt bare, I felt naked, but most of all I felt helpless.


My beating heart softened. It was her, it was her footsteps, it was her shadow, it was her.  She hadn't come close to me since the fight but now here she is, my masked stranger.

"you? " I asked, "Why are you following me, do you want another fight because you like kicking my ass much?"

A small chuckle filled my eyes,  a beautiful sound that made my heart soar to the sky.  She found me funny, wow, me funny!

"Tommy, Shawn Beatrice, Noah Jacob, Caleb, Seth, Sarah," she said.

I stiffened, mouth open, shocked and confused.

Those names?  How?

How does she...

"How do you know those..."
I stopped when I felt her touch my hand. Her large brown eyes visible through the mask.

"That's the only way to the truth Adam,"

She left.

Just like that, I let her leave me, without any anwers.

I watched her dissapered into the forests shadow.

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now