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Dear  Readers,

This week has been a little bit chaotic, I am sorry that I didn't update sooner,  I hope you will love this chapter as much as I do. I'd love to hear what you think, comment or just message me. I really appreciate your support and the time you take to read my work. Thank you

                                                             A_J Harper 💖 

Orange, red, shades of purple, shades of blue, beauty and perfection molded to create chaos,  death, and evil. it consumes everything and leaves ashes in its wake. A new form, a form of dust, a form of rubble, a form of brokenness.

Fire on fire, Ashes to Ashes, Chaos, and Order, it exists within me.

fire on fire, the emotions I feel, that shakes me to the very core, The rage, the pain, the uncertainty, the hopelessness, and the loss of a beloved past.

Ashes to Ashes, The person I once was, The love I once had, the happiness I once possessed. the life I once lived.

Chaos and Order, the memories I have, the memories I lost. the state of my peace, the beating of my heart. and the emptiness on my face.

I am the rubble, I am ash, I am half full. I stare at the white sealing, the silent buzz of the white fluorescent bulb above me could be heard. I'm always alone. I hate being left alone, it allows my mind to run wild, and when it does it drives me insane

Dave was supposed to be here by now, a small smile played on my lips.

I'm getting out of here, just for a little bit, but I am getting out.

I get to train today. Dr. Chase told me that I'm allowed to just watch for a couple of weeks before I can get cleared. I finally got new clothes to wear instead of the same gown.  jeans and a black shirt.

And now here I am laying on my bed, waiting for Dave to come and take me out of this hellhole. 
As if on queue the door opened, dave came in, now looking a bit different, he had on some sweat pants and a grey t-shirt.

"You ready to go? " he asked

I jumped out of my bed and followed him to the kitchen. I've been in this house enough to notice that almost everything is white. the kitchen was the only room in the house that had a pop of color in the form of black cabinets and silver appliances.

 I scanned the room, a small habit that I have now, it's not an awful habit, I don't even know why I do it but I feel like it's a part of me. there was someone in the kitchen one of the servants an old lady I had seen a couple of times.

He went towards her and kisser her head.

"Hello, Nanny how are you?"

"I'm okay sweetie," she answered him, her voice laced with love.

Her eyes met mine, she panicked and started cleaning the counter. She was nervous.  I made her nervous. Dave grabbed her hand and she stopped and stared at him.

"It's okay Nanny, it's okay," I just stood there feeling uncomfortable,  now I was the desperate one who wants to grab a hold of something and start cleaning, anything to avoid this situation.

He was talking about me, yes, yes he was talking about me, there was no doubt about that.

The Nanny looked at me again, and then she saw it. I felt my heart practically jump out of my chest under her gaze, she saw it too, she saw it. a tormented soul.

she walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I took a step back, I was petrified that if she touched me I would unravel, I would crumble and shatter. a look of hurt appeared on her face. I wanted to say sorry but I couldn't, my voice didn't let me.

"Come on let's go," Dave said. 

we walked out of the room, there was a truck waiting for us outside.

"Get in," Dave commanded.

I naturally complied and took a seat beside him. We drove for hours in pure silence, just the road, and the trees. on the outside.

everything looks okay, I am okay, I am okay, I am okay.

"We're going off-road, tuck in."

Before I could even respond the vehicle jolted upwards, I banged my head above the roof causing me to hiss in pain.

Dave let out a small chuckle and then let out a small apology.

"We are here!!!" He half screamed in my ear. for a person who's said to be my friend he sure is a loud one. How did we become friends anyway?

we got out of the car, he had taken me to an abandoned building, it was falling apart really, with vines covering it up and a heavy growth of moss on the crumbling walls, however, with it's decaying state, it looked beautiful. 

It was dark when we walked in, the sound of our footsteps bounced around the Erie place. My eyes darted from corner to corner. as if I could spot anything in this darkness.  I hand grabbed a hold of me, Dave's hand.

"Door." He statted. and as if on queue I headed him yank on something. A handle. light poured into the emptiness of the hollow that we were once in revealing the same image as outside, old walls, moss, and vines, but on the other side of that wall laid a... I don't know what to even call it,  no word came into mind, there were over hundreds of soldiers, guards, some were lifting weights, others were climbing the walls.  some were just sitting on top of a niche within the walls.

it was madness, fighting, laughter, screams, the chaos, it was madness, it was a rush, it was just what I needed.

He caught my eye. in the middle of the arena, he stood there, calm, relaxed while the other guard scrambled to his feet. they were in the middle of a fight. I couldn't stop staring, I was drawn to him. the man lunged towards him and he quickly moved away, then a scream from the man as the mysterious's man hit the man in the ribs. 

why the mask? 

Why wear a mask in the middle of the sanctuary. he is surrounded by his fellow teammates, people who have the same goal. so why the mask?

my curiosity was now getting the best of me, I need to talk to the masked stranger. I need to.

"I want to fight." 

did I just say that? 

I was dumbfounded, why did I say that I can't fight, despite me not remembering everything about my life I know one thing I couldn't fight.

I closed my eyes, I could feel Dave's instance gaze burning me,  every second that ticked by felt like agony. what is he thinking, is he laughing at me.

I didn't want to look at him, I was a nervous wreck. what is wrong with me?

"Sure, why not, you could use the training."

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now