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"follow my lead." Caleb said and walked out of the door his footsteps echoing through the cabin.

The thought of what layed beyond that large metalic door shook me to my core.

I felt a tug on my jackets sleeves looking down and I was met with a pair of ocean blue eyes and firey red hair.

"I'm scared." Sarah said,  her voice weak.

Why,  why do we have to go through this, especially her.  I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

I bent over and looked into her eyes, tucking a strand of her hair behind her head and smiled, a fake one, but still a smile.

"hey, it'll be okay I've got you. give me your hand. "

She placed her small hand into mine and I held it and squeezed it. I felt her racing pulse on where my hand was.

Noah was the second one to walk through the door, then Jacob.

It's now or never, God help me

With one foot in front of the other I slowly willed my body to move.
Sarah walked beside me.

Stay calm stay calm

I kept repeating to myself.  Caleb was not wrong,  it did look like the shelters only instead of dirty ruins of a forsaken city.  It was an organized facility with blocks of cabins all alinged in a row, each with a fence surroundings their compound.

It was silent. There were prisoners crowding near the fences. Waiting in silence for something. But what?

"the gates will be opening soon." Caleb wispered, his jaw was clamped tight his eyes held the light of  firey determination." it's time for the gates to open, " he continued. "if we're lucky enough   no one will notice us. "

I felt confused what did he mean?what type of system is this?  they put us in guilded cages kamouflaged to look like a community. What a joke.

It doesn't make... sence. Why would the council bring us here? What do we have to offer.

" oh wow how horrifying,  I'm trembling," Noah said his voice filled with sarcasm.

I let out a laugh. A laugh of dispear, with everything that's happening around me I felt like laughing, pure mouth open, tear jerking laughter.

I didn't know why I felt like my situation is... Entertaining, or perhaps I'm turning mad.

I saw a ghost of a smile appear on Noah's face and a silent nod of approval, or was it acceptance.

And in that moment of slight insanity,  when I  was laughing. I understood him. I understood his pain.  His sarcasm and my laugh were the same.

When I was young I always saw him around the shelters,  expecially at madam Gene's store,  the only store in the shelters.  It had everything in it.  She was kind.  Beatrice used to send me to the store to trade some vegetables for clothes. Noah was always at the background, stacking sacks,  cleaning the floor,  he was always doing something in that store.
He also had bruises, new bruises everytime I was there.

How did that memory slip by me. I hadn't realized that I'd known him before, not the tall tattooed man I see now but him. I'd seen him before the tattoo's, the piercings. I'd seen him when he was a boy. When he was himself.

"what are you looking at? "
Noah asked. Changing back to his cold brooding self.

"I saw you, at madam gene's you were the boy in the shop. "
I wispered.

A look of terror enveloped his eyes then loss appeared as well.

What did he loose?  Why Is he like this?
Suddenly his eyes turned cold and just like how the emotions came it dissapered, leaving no trace of the thunderstorm of emotions that had been there a few seconds ago.

"Not anymore" he said.

Not anymore what did that mean?  was I right,  was he the broken boy that I had seen all those years before?

Who was he?  Who is he now?

My thoughts were brought to a complete stop. The sound of a siren birsted through the cold early morning air.

I closed my eyes, dreading what would come next when it ends, when silence comes back.

The gates opened with loud screeches.

"they'll stay open until the next shipment of prisoners come." I heared Calebs trembling voice say.

One by one I saw the line of men and women walking out of their compounds. Some had traces of relief on their faces others dread.

"what are they doing?" Seth asked. I opened my eyes and I see him standing in front of the gate watching the large number of people in black walking around.

"beginning life," caleb said  turning around and walking towards a path at that led to the back of the cabin.we followed him.  I tugged Sarah's hand gently to follow us.

  The path led to a large field. the fence on this side of the cabin had a large hole in it. And over the fence a was nothing but the thick large green forest.

I heared the clanging of rusted metal.  Caleb was climbing an old rusted ladder that led towards the roof. We followed.

I helped Sarah get her footing and began climbing the ladder.

He knows this place so well.

We made it too the top and found Caleb sitting on the edge just looking up.


The harsh lilac colors of the sunrise flooded the sky bringing an almost chaotic beauty.

We just sat there. For the longest time just admiring the sunrise, admiring a new dawn,  and dreading a new life.

screams echoed through the air.

Somethings happening

I aways tend to think before I do something. But oh no not now.

I threw all rationing to the wind and succomed to the emotions, the  curiosity, the fear.

I ran towards the sound, practically gliding down the ladder to the scene.

I heared jacob call me.  All my senses were hightened. I didn't even know why I was running.

I felt my legs stop and my heart drop. My blood ran coled in my body.

There was a dead body, hanging from the power lines in the middle of the road.

A cold sweat trickled down my head.

The boy from the sorting. He was dead.
I heard the sound of footsteps coming to a stop at few inches behind me. Caleb's warm hand came into contact with my shoulder.

" This is only the beginning."

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now