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"Sure, why not, you could use the training."

He said yes, Dave said yes, I let out a shaky break that I had no idea I was holding.

"By the way," He continued, "I need to give you a brief tour before you get yourself beat up kido."

"Kido?" I asked him, he scratched the back of his head, his long slim fingers ruffling his smooth blond hair as a shade of pink leaks through his skin.

"Y-y-yeah, thats how I used to call you." He stammered, "Anyways pay attention," he said as he placed his arm around my shoulders tightly. " To your left is the endurance training, there we test... well, endurance. To  the right is... you know what, all you need to know is that this is the dungeon. we train, we throw a couple of parties and that is the arena, its not much but we get by. "

The dungeon a fitting name. It did have a sort of gloomy and dead feeling to it. the decaying walls added to the effect.

"Who do you want to fight?" Dave asked.

was that even a question, I already knew. He stood out from the crowd.

"Him." I pointed towards the masked warrior who was now sitting alone on a stone sharpening his knife.

"No. Anyone but her, she'll kill you adam."

She? He was a She? that must explain why she wears a mask all the time. maybe she was disfugured.

"Why, do I know her?" I asked looking into Adam's eyes, daring him to lie to me.

"No, you don't, I don't even know her, no one even knows her, all we know. is that she's a good killer, and she's not one of us."

She's not one of them, really now?

I felt the cold air rush inside my chest. The Deep steady breaths that I was taking did nothing to calm the rapid pace of my beating heart. 

This is it. You can do this. You can do this Adam. You can do this. Just breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out. I can do this.

I was in no means ready for any type of fight especially with a skilled opponent like her and yet here I am in the middle of the dungeons arena. 

The rest of the guards were now circling around us like vultures ready to pick up the spoils of the broken. They just laughed others shouted all excited others were placing bets. For what is to come.

How did I get myself into this? Oh, yeah, right. I remember.

Brown eyes, short, slim but deadly, remember Adam she's deadly

But those deep brown eyes were already drowning me. My palms were sweating,  They were clear.

I want to see her face.

I wanted to know the person behind the mask. The person who's awaking these earthshaking emotions within me. Maybe it's her appearance, but I just can't help thinking that I know her. I know her. I look at her and I swear I can feel her touch, the softness of her skin on my hand.

Dave now stood in the middle of the arena and looked at me then back at the stranger.

 "Okay? Okay, listen up!" He screamed the voices slowly died down giving way to the chilling tension in the room.

" Now we've got a fight here. for all of you who can't remember him or for all of you who don't know him. This is Adam. Adam will be going against. The contractor. I want a clean fight."

And just like that, he faded into the raging crowd.

She klentched her hands into a fist, and stared into my eyes as she paced around slowly reminding me of the wild dogs of the forest before they go for a kill. I'm the kill, I'm her prey.

My mouth went dry, everything faded, it was just her and me.

Alarge horn echoed through the air breaking me out of my trans, before I could even react she lunged at me. I ducks. But her fist had already made contact with my face I felt dazed, everything was spinning, but I wasn't going to quit.

I tried to throw a Right Punch. But it didn't work she'd acted swiftly and got out of the way.

Then another punch I fell down to the ground.  I heard laughter all around me they were laughing at me. Oh God. Me and my big mouth. Why did I do this? just to get  close to this assassin!!! 

 I got up to my feet and started jogging on the spot. This is it. I need to focus. I need to focus if I can just Land one on here him. Then everything would be good if I could just He came he lunged towards me again and this time I was ready. My right hand connected To his jaw I quickly moved my feet foot below his Making him tumble over. I smiled. Thank God.

Within that moment our eyes connected I saw the rage, I saw, the conflict I saw Mercy.

And that was it. That was when it all ended. With her Beating me to the ground. I a bloody mess. And her Walking out the door.

She turned around one last time. Our eyes connecting one last time. And then she left. 

And I just laid there. in my own blood, just looking at the ceiling, not moving.

 "Are you okay?" It was Dave again. He was worried, I could hear it in his voice. People now began crowding around me while the others who didn't go about their own business already putting the fight behind them like it didn't even happen.

But to me it did. It was the most alive I have ever felt since I memories faded. Bye getting my ass kicked by her,  A piece of me fixed itself.

I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.

" I'm okay. Actually, I'm better than okay. I'm healing, Dave."

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now